Carmack Moving | Robert Carmack | Carmack Moving


by Robert Carmack, Carmack Moving

Some of life’s simplest problems can end up being the biggest bother to solve. When it comes to moving, think simple. While professional movers such as Carmack Moving offer direction on how to plan for a move, it is still best to also think things through yourself. Once everything is packed up and ready to load, make sure the things you will need least are loaded on to the truck first. Simple common sense is needed when loading the truck. Place the box containing things like your best dishes on top of the box of books and not vice versa.

Think about the things you’ll need the first night in your new home. Pack items that serve your basic needs in a separate bag and carry it with you. Think about eating. Will your appliances be hooked up right away? Will there be a place to store food when you get there? You may even want to prepare a simple meal that you can heat and serve on your first night.

Remember to set aside items for each night you are in transition like clothes, a towel, prescription drugs, a toothbrush, and other personal items. Pack these in your car or somewhere that you can access them easily. And don’t forget plastic utensils, paper plates, paper towels, plastic cups, toilet paper, toiletries, trash bags, hand tools, a flashlight, first aid kit including pain relievers, pencil and paper, snacks, beverages, and re-closeable plastic bags.

Keep the stress level down. Take thirty minutes in the beginning of your move and address the simple issues. Thinking the basics through can avoid all of the oops! moments that can occur.

Robert Carmack is the owner of Carmack Moving located in Chantilly, Virginia. With more then thirty years of experience in light hauling, local moving, regional moving and long haul national moving operations Carmack Moving shares their insights from years of experience and overseeing thousands of moves. Carmack Moving may be reached at 703-378-1616.

Dr. David Mason on Wellness Care


By Dr. David Mason, DC

The main difference between wellness care and standard medical care is that wellness care seeks to turn on the natural healing ability. Wellness care does not add something to the system, instead it  removes anything that might interfere with normal function. Wellness care trusts that the body would know what to do if nothing were interfering with it. Standard medical care, on the other hand, seeks to treat a symptom by adding something from the outside – a medication, a surgery or procedure.

Inside Out vs. Outside In

If a patient has high blood pressure, a standard medical approach would be to choose a drug that lowers blood pressure, and ask the patient to take the drug. This may serve to lower the blood pressure, but ignores the underlying cause that is making the blood pressure high, and runs the risk of side effects complicating the person’s recovery. Whether it’s a nutritional issue, faulty control by the nerve system or a manifestation of stress, the medication could decrease the blood pressure, leaving the problem causing the symptom of high blood pressure unaddressed.

The Wellness Approach

Wellness is a state of optimal conditions for normal function… and then some. The wellness approach involves looking for underlying causes of any disturbance or disruption (which may or may not be causing symptoms at the time) and make whatever interventions and lifestyle adjustments would optimize the conditions for normal function. That environment encourages natural healing, and minimizes the need for invasive treatment, which should be administered only when absolutely necessary. When the body is working properly, it tends to heal effectively, no matter what the condition. When the body heals well and maintains itself well, then there is another level of health that goes beyond “asymptomatic” or “pain-free” which reveals an open-ended opportunity for vitality, vibrant health, and an enhanced experience of life.This is true for mental and emotional health as well as physical health. While some people may suffer psychological disorders, creating an atmosphere of mental and emotional wellness will address all but the most serious problems.

David R. Mason has been a licensed Chiropractor since 2004.  As a Chiropractor with experience, Dr. Mason and the staff at Mason Chiropractic are committed to promoting the health and well being of his patients.

ProtectMyAssets | Asset Protection |



Matthew C. Mullhofer has been practicing law since 1999, and has owned and operated the Law Office of Matthew C. Mullhofer, PC since 2000. The goal of is to provide professional legal services to the clients of  ProtectMyAssets.

Matthew C. Mullhofer has been practicing law since 1999, and has owned and operated the Law Office of Matthew C. Mullhofer, PC since 2000. The goal of is to provide professional legal services to the clients of Matthew C Mullhofer.

In this article he shares some important concepts about how you can protect your assets.

First of all, don’t rely on secrecy or concealment to prevent creditors from learning about your assets.  You can be forced to testify under oath, and if you attempt to deny you will be committing the crime of perjury. You should also remember that with the use of computers and investigations, these days it is not difficult for creditors to locate assets, even those that have been held overseas.

ProtectMyAssets adds that it is important, however, to remember that you are only required to disclose assets if a creditor obtains a judgment against you, when you are sued for punitive damages (and assets are relevant to the award), or when litigation involves the fraudulent conveyance and the assets are relevant to the discovery.

Creditors entitled to discovery of a debtor’s assets have great discretion in their examination and procedures. Spouses can also be forced to disclose their finance to a judgment creditor even if they aren’t involved in the litigation says Additionally, insurance companies may be required to disclose information about your assets to judgment creditors.

For more information or assistance, check the Matthew Mullhofer website

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