Why Should I Consider An Educational Evaluation For My Child?


Currey IngramChildren with known or suspected learning differences may not thrive in a conventional academic environment. If you think your son or daughter has ADHD, dyslexia, or another processing disorder, an evaluation can point you in the right direction of tools and services that can help them overcome their challenges. Today, Currey Ingram Academy, one of the most sought-after boarding schools in the South, shares insight on three important educational evaluations: psychoeducational, speech-language, and occupational therapy.

Q: What is a psychoeducational evaluation?

Currey Ingram Academy: A psychoeducational evaluation can be summarized as a professionally performed assessment that helps identify a child’s weaknesses and strengths. A parent might seek this type of assessment if they notice persistent behavioral problems, social withdrawal, and poor basic academic skills in foundational areas, such as writing, reading, or math. Many students undergo a psychoeducational evaluation after receiving low standardized test scores or based on a teacher’s recommendation. While not all boarding schools in the South offer psychoeducational evaluations and assessments, Currey Ingram Academy’s Diagnostic Center is open to non-students from ages three into adulthood.

Q: How do I know if my child needs a speech-language evaluation?

Currey Ingram Academy: Speech disorders are not uncommon, but they can derail a child’s academic experience. Whether your child attends one of the private boarding schools in the South or is registered for public education, their ability to sequence information, retell stories, and speak clearly is crucial to their academic success. A speech-language evaluation can help by identifying delays or auditory, verbal, or communication impairments so that your child can receive the help they need to intake, output, and process information clearly and completely.

Q: What does an occupational therapy evaluation look for?

Currey Ingram Academy: A typical occupational therapy evaluation assesses a child’s gross, fine, and visual-motor integration skills. We will look at their ability to perform common self-care acts as well as their handwriting and other actions that require physical, spatial, and coordination skills. Deficits in any of these areas can have a significant and negative effect on a child’s experience at home and at school. It can also affect relationships from the playground and friendships early in life to relationships with colleagues and the boardroom later in life.

Q: What type of therapy or intervention services should I seek after an evaluation?

Currey Ingram Academy: There are many different types of services you might consider for your child. Once you’ve undergone a psychoeducational, speech-language, or occupational therapy evaluation, the test administrator and their team can offer specific suggestions. You will have lots of options, including private therapy or enrolling in one of the boarding schools in the South that specialize in educating children with learning differences.

The Diagnostic Center at Currey Ingram Academy is located in Brentwood, TN, just south of Nashville. We offer services to both students and nonstudents, and our primary concern is ensuring that no child is left behind. For more information, visit us online at CurreyIngram.org.