All posts by AdminR

Join a Sports League to Enhance a Fitness Routine

ZRYLW - Sports league Joining a sports league is the best way to start or maintain a fitness routine. Playing an organized sport can benefit your physical, mental and emotional health.

Where to start

Gather a bunch of people together, form a team, and join a sports league. You can even join by yourself and get assigned to a team. It may seem intimidating at first, but you will probably end up with some new friends in no time.

Sports leagues are not free, in fact, they can be quite expensive. Luckily for a team, the cost can be split among many people. Another alternative is to find a sponsor. Many small businesses will gladly sponsor teams, especially if the team wears shirts with the business logo or name on it, or otherwise supports the business. If money is tight and you cannot afford

to join a sports league, start your own. Gather some friends together and agree to meet once a week for some fun and workout.

Physical benefits

In addition to the benefits of physical exercise you get during the game, the adrenaline rushes will make you feel good and want to exercise more often. This will have a snowball effect, and you will feel better and better and want to exercise even more.

Mental benefits

Focusing your mental powers on something completely different from your daily routine is a fantastic way to relax. This will help you better tackle whatever your daily grind requires, improving your overall well-being and the efficiency needed at work or school.

Emotional benefits

Hanging out with friends a few hours a week can do wonders for your emotional health. Getting together with people who share the same interests makes us feel more connected.

Improve Productivity and Mood by Unplugging from Electronics

Internal blog 5

The brain is adaptable. Television, computers, cell phones, and more constantly keep the mind working at near overload capacity. The brain can deal in varying degrees with the barrage of information and stimulation thrown at it every day, but it does not operate at its best.

A typical child today spends less than 30 minutes a day playing outside in the fresh air and sunshine. On the other hand, they spend approximately seven hours a day watching TV and playing video games or using cellphones and computers.

Adults spend even more time than children enmeshed in the electronic world. Emails, Twitter blasts, text messages, and Facebook updates constantly assault their

eyes and ears—the list is endless and growing. Modern media constantly vies for attention and the more it receives, the more it demands. Some have likened it to a technology addiction. When they unplug from all electronics, many people experience symptoms of withdrawal.

There is another thing that happened to people when they unplugged. Their creativity increased by approximately 50 percent. They became less distracted and more productive. They grew more contemplative, less aggressive and more social. Their mood improved and their interaction with others was more positive.

It is unrealistic to believe the bulk of humanity can totally cut off technology. There are only so many vacation days in which to enjoy freedom from the demands of a plugged-in society. However, it is possible to cut down the time spent interacting with electronics and add it to the time spent connecting with humans.

It is possible to limit a child’s screen time and engage them in creative or physical activities, but to do that parents also need to become more involved in the external world. It is difficult to carve out the time, but those who have done it have found it is well worth the effort.

No one has yet proclaimed from their deathbed that they wish they had spent more time on their computer and less time with family and friends.

Tips for a Successful Garage Sale

10.10.13 - garage sale

If you have accumulated a lot of stuff over the years, consider having a garage sale prior to your next move. Getting rid of unnecessary items will help you earn some extra cash and save you time since you will have fewer items to pack. If you follow the tips below, you are bound to have a successful and fun garage sale.



Give yourself one or two weeks to prepare and advertise. Most people hold their garage sales on Saturdays; however, some will continue until Sunday or even start as early as Friday. Make sure to pick a mild day, and check with your neighbors if you want to coordinate a block garage sale. The more people participate, the larger the draw.



The key to any successful event is getting the word out. Place an ad in the local newspaper or on Craigslist. Signs are another great way to notify your community. Make sure you have permission to hang them or post them in the various places. Just make sure you print in big letters so people can read the information from their cars.


Organize tables

It’s important to be organized and make items accessible to customers. Folding tables are best to keep things off the ground. Having your items displayed so they are easy to find will increase sales.



If you have a lot of stuff to sell, try to pre-price your items using stickers. Be realistic about pricing. The general rule of thumb is that if an item is still in its box or you still have the box and instructions, it’s fair to ask one-quarter of the original price. Clothes should be greatly reduced. If anything is left over at the end of the garage sale, consider donating them to charitable organizations.


Foods for Fantastic Skin


Everyone—even men—wants great looking skin without spending a lot of time and money. But before you rush to the cosmetic counter and shell out hundreds of dollars for the latest creams and potions that claim to make your skin look as fresh and smooth as a baby, you may want to start with what you put in your body as opposed to what you put on it.

If you want clear, moisturized skin, add Rutin and vitamin B7 (biotin) to your diet. Whole grains, an excellent source of vitamin B, are basically unprocessed foods. Without enough biotin in your

diet, your skin can become dry and scaly. Try substituting whole wheat bread for white bread. Rutin is found in buckwheat and citrus fruits.

For soft, younger-looking skin, your body needs vitamin E, which is found in nuts, especially almonds. Adding selenium, found in sunflower seeds and Brazil nuts, can enhance the antioxidant properties of vitamin E. For the additional benefit of omega-3 fatty acids, another great nutrient for skin, add walnuts and pistachios.

If you eat green and red vegetables, your skin will glow with health. These vegetables contain vitamin A and beta-carotene for bright, smooth skin. Plus vegetables are good for your whole body, so, like your mother always told you: Eat your vegetables.

Citrus fruits contain vitamin C, which aids in the production of collagen for taut, smooth skin. Consuming extra vitamin C can help tighten the skin and prevent wrinkles. Its antioxidant properties help neutralize free radicals that can prematurely age your face. Vitamin C is often a main ingredient in skin-care products.

Seafood, with its omega-3 fatty acids and zinc, can help produce clear, smooth, glowing skin. Omega-3 can reduce skin inflammation and dryness. Zinc can help fight acne and also assists with new cell production and the sloughing off of dead skin, which gives the skin a nice glow.

Every year, people all over the world spend billions of dollars on skin-care products, but the science behind skin care is relatively simple and less expensive than most of us think. Basically, the things you can do to achieve great skin are the same things you do for overall good health: Eat well, exercise, and get enough sleep.

Preventive Dentistry: Maintaining Healthy Teeth


Good dental habits include in-home dental care practiced on a regular basis, as well as treatment by a professional dental staff. The primary goal is to prevent oral disease before it even begins. A crucial part of preventive dentistry is also patient education about at-home care and nutrition. Important at-home care that can ward off dental disease includes proper brushing and flossing.

1. Toothbrush

Use a soft nylon toothbrush with round-ended bristles, but not natural bristles, since they carry bacteria. The brush should be replaced at least every three months. Worn products can be less effective and can harm the gums.

2. Toothpaste

An important ingredient for effective toothpaste is fluoride for preventing tooth decay.

3. Tooth brushing

The brushing technique should be gentle with the bristles placed at a 45-degree angle to cover the tooth surface and gum line. Brush the inner surfaces of the teeth and tilt the brush vertically to brush the front teeth.

4. Floss

Floss at least once a day to remove plaque from between teeth and at the gum line. Flossing will help prevent gingivitis, or gum disease.

5. Mouthwash

Mouthwash decreases bacteria in the mouth, which freshens breath and protects teeth and gums from disease. Those who have trouble adequately eliminating plaque due to disease, disability or age may benefit from these antiplaque agents.

6. Nutrition

Healthy food is necessary for the body and for healthy teeth. When eating sweets, the rule for healthier teeth is to not just limit the amount of sugar consumed, but also the frequency. Keep treats to once a day rather than eating them continuously throughout the day.

7. Chewing gum

Sugar-free chewing gum is recommended as dental care on the go, though not as a substitute for proper oral hygiene. Sugar-free chewing gum can normalize the pH in the mouth after eating and stimulate the production of saliva.

8. Check-up

Unless otherwise directed by your dentist, schedule visits for check-ups and cleaning twice a year. X-rays are usually conducted once a year to check for deeper problems in the teeth. Problems can be identified and resolved in their earliest stages.

9. Prophylaxis

In addition to home oral hygiene, professional tooth cleaning is indispensable for beautiful, well-kept teeth and healthy gums. Tartar buildup often cannot be removed through at-home care and must be removed by a professional to prevent gingivitis.


Adults Returning to School

zrylw It’s never too late to start a new career, earn a degree, or simply gain more knowledge about a particular subject. The still struggling economy and poor job market have been enticing more adults than ever back into the classroom.

Returning to school isn’t easy, but neither is it impossible. Numerous systems are in place to assist adults who wish to further their education. A college degree may not be the ultimate goal for everyone, and sometimes just a few classes can help secure a new job or gain a promotion at work.

Not everyone can find the time or the money to return to college on a full-time basis, but other opportunities are available for adults who wish to further their education. Online study has become a very popular method. An online college class is flexible and convenient and can be taken from anywhere in the world with Internet access. However, it is imperative to research prospective schools to confirm they are accredited so that credits earned are recognized worldwide.

Community colleges are also a smart choice. They have much lower tuition fees than a four-year university. The first two years of college are dedicated to general education classes, so even if a four-year bachelor’s degree is the ultimate goal, completing the first two years at a community college makes good financial sense.

Colleges and the government offer loans, scholarships and grants to help students pay for higher education. A federal Pell Grant is based on income and is free money for qualifying students. Low-interest student loans are another option. Several private and state universities either waive or reduce tuition for senior citizens.

If learning is the primary objective instead of earning a degree, it’s possible to complete college classes online at no cost. Stanford, Harvard, MIT and other institutions offer free online classes to students around the world. These classes provide students with basic knowledge to form a foundation for learning. There is no admissions process, and certificates are available for a small fee to students who master the material. The classes are free but the courses don’t count toward a college degree.

Many people who would like to return to college but are concerned they will feel out of place among younger students should know that 37 percent of all college students are adults over the age of 25.

Adults going back to school should craft a realistic plan that balances work, family and class time. Juggling multiple responsibilities is a challenge, but with the right strategy and determination, all that’s left is honoring a commitment to achieving the objective: an education.

Advice for Improving a Credit Rating


For people who suffer from a poor credit score, there is not always a simple way to correct the problem. However, a few simple tricks can help an individual repair bad credit in preparation for the loan application process.

The first step in addressing the issue is for the applicant to examine the credit report. If a score is too low to qualify, a computer program will run the numbers to define what action the applicant might be able to take. The detailed analysis also determines if there is any way the score can be boosted to snag a better interest rate.

After all these measures are exhausted and the credit score still has not reached an appropriate level, an individual should maintain appropriate credit behavior over a set period of time. If paying bills is a problem, a lending firm can set reminders for clients or enroll them in automatic bill pay.

As far as which debt to pay at first, a lender will likely suggest that a client gather all bills to figure out which ones carry the largest interest rates. The best bet is to pay these bills in full, and then pay a minimum due on the others. When a credit card balance hits zero, it is often recommended that the client cease usage of that card and center their attention on paying off other accounts.

In the past, lenders had recommended that customers close any credit cards that were paid off. Over time, they have begun to shy away from this strategy. These days a client who holds credit cards and controls them responsibly will be considered as less of a risk than a client who holds no credit cards. By owning a suitable payment history, clients can generally bump up their scores and increase possibility of score improvement as balances get reduced.

Late payments will have a major impact on a credit score. Accounts that are more than 30 days late are considered to be delinquent. Anything within the past year on a credit report will carry the most weight when a score is determined.

Helping Advice for the Aspiring Actor

Q: What is an essential tip for acting success?

A: Stay on time. Films and television shows cost quite a lot of money to produce. If an actor is just a few minutes late for a paid gig, the director, producer and the entire crew will be extremely disappointed and could question their choice of actor. If an actor shows up after a scheduled audition time, the casting director will be concerned about an ongoing issue of tardiness.

On that note, show business runs on irregular hours and extended workdays. Without the endurance and positive energy necessary to withstand a long day on the set, an actor will find success impossible to attain.

Q: What kind of schedule can be expected?

A: For an actor in the television or movie business, a 9-to-5 schedule is just not feasible given the nature of the work. Most actors must rise before dawn to ensure they are fully prepared for the day and can arrive at the set on time. In theatre, the call time might be 10 a.m. because the actors work well into the night. The long, intense hours required mean that actors will spend roughly half their lives with co-workers.

Be cordial and respectful to all people involved with the production to maintain harmony on the set. Establishing a negative attitude in the beginning stages of a job will have a noted impact on the rest of the staff.

Q: How else can actors improve their routines?

A: Always be clean and well groomed. It should go without saying, but bathe regularly and have fresh breath. Anyone with poor hygiene will earn a bad reputation and miss out on future acting opportunities. Complaining regularly is also a sure way to cause tension on the set. Some actors in show business choose to complain about the realities of the job – the food, the director, fellow actors, costume assistants, dressing rooms, lack of work, long hours, the script and almost anything else. Being labeled a complainer can damage the career of even the most talented actor. Word does get around.



Federal Reserve Chairman Examines Economic Recovery

The leader of America’s central bank is hesitant to proclaim an end to economic trouble after examining recent trends. At the Federal Reserve’s Chicago branch recently, Chairman Ben Bernanke stated that current market conditions continue to be precarious even as many financial experts have declared a full recovery.

Bernanke made his remarks during a lengthy speech that described the Fed’s role in observing the successes and failures of the banking system. The speech was a focal point of the 49th Annual Conference on Bank Structure and Competition, which brings together experts in technical, financial and academic research.

As a central thesis of his speech, Bernanke noted that participants in the financial market have been taking considerable risks in recent months. The extended run of economic stability in America reduced their desire to use reasonable provisions.

Securities lending endures as a major problem. Borrowers have proven unable to finance asset holdings and subsequently were forced to sell. This occurrence drove asset prices down even further, leading to extreme asset liquidation.

Money market funds are also susceptible to the unstable environment. Bernanke believes that risk is amplified because the Treasury has been stripped of its power to secure investors’ holdings in money market funds, which proved critical in halting the disastrous 2008 run.

To introduce the subject of income inequality, Bernanke said that wealthier households have made great gains in net worth, while lower- or middle-income households have declined in capital since the financial crisis. This reality is most apparent in the area of real estate. A number of homeowners are still “underwater,” with homes valued at much less than their mortgage balances. According to Bernanke, this fact alone indicates that the country’s financial well-being is more fragile than statistics might show. As a side note, he recommended that additional regulation should be installed in the repossession market—the wholesale market that financial institutions use for their daily funding requirements.

Bernanke stated that more preparation is required for both investors and market participants so that they can deal with any potential consequences. Leading research for this is the Office of Financial Stability Policy and Research, which educates both the central bank and the Federal Open Market Committee on policy decisions.

In closing remarks, Bernanke assured attendees that the Fed continues to identify threats in order to thwart future emergencies, and carefully monitor the activity of the nation’s financial institutions.

Identity Fraud in the Internet Age

When the term ID theft was first coined in the 1960s, it meant simply to pretend to be someone else. Now, with the Internet creating a world of faceless interactions, identities can be both assumed and created.

Clone and conceal

One way the tech-savvy persona thieves are crafting new “lives” is by cloning the image of another, thus concealing him- or herself from the virtual world. These people may, for instance, steal profile pictures from unsuspecting connections on social media sites like Facebook. Once they have enough “evidence” they are real-world friends with a select individual, they then befriend others with a mutual connection. These new acquaintances are typically subject to fraudulent newsfeed, solicitations for donations, or other manipulations, usually garnered from heart-wrenching posts, playing off their sympathies.

Criminal ID theft

Criminal ID theft can begin online using the “clone and conceal” methods to capture another’s personal information, photos and other data. In these situations, the perpetrator uses the victim’s name, address and other credentials when arrested for an unrelated crime. This type of ID theft can have long-lasting effects on the individual whose name was cited in official criminal records and, in some cases, on the Internet.

Synthetic ID theft

The main victims of synthetic identity theft are typically financial institutions and retailers. This variation of identity fraud often combines a real person’s Social Security number with a fictitious name and birthdate. The person creating this new identity will usually apply for credit and, when granted, intentionally default on their payments. In some cases, the person whose Social Security number was used can have his or her credit negatively affected.

Child identity theft

A recent but growing problem is the practice of tarnishing a child’s as yet unused Social Security number to establish lines of credit to buy expensive items or obtain a fraudulent driver’s license. The biggest downside of child ID theft is that it can go undetected until a child becomes of age and begins to apply for credit on his or her own. A study by the Carnegie Mellon CyLab estimated that more than 10 percent of children are victims of ID theft.

Aside from using the Internet to obtain information, criminals may also rummage through personal rubbish in a practice known as dumpster diving, obtain public records in a completely legal fashion, or actually follow a person to observe his or her password, credit card information, or pin numbers. While there is no guarantee that any particular individual will not become a victim of identity theft, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission stresses that guardianship of personal information is the most effective intervention strategy.