Nashville Cybersecurity Service Recommends Running Security Response Drills

ImageQuest Digital security is important for businesses of all sizes and in all industries. However, those that fail to plan for a data breach or other cyber incident are risking their businesses. Nashville-based cybersecurity service ImageQuest says those that have plans but failed to test them with practice drills could be no better off than those with no plan at all. In light of many recent data breach events, we reached out to ImageQuest. What we learned was that it’s best to practice what you’ve prepared.  

What Is A Security Incident Response Plan?

One of the first questions we had for the cybersecurity service provider was what, exactly, a Security Incident Response Plan is. They told us this is simply a planned series of events that a company’s leadership and IT staff would take in case of a digital compromise.

This plan is put into place to both protect a company from financial losses and to ensure that its clients’ data remains safe.

Tabletop Exercises

A cybersecurity incident response plan does not look the same for each business. However, the cybersecurity service tells us that all companies can benefit from running what’s called tabletop exercises. This is a chance to test the efficiency and effectiveness of the response strategy. More importantly, it gives business leaders a valuable opportunity to identify weaknesses in the plan. 

Weaknesses that tabletop exercises can shed light on include when steps are taken prematurely and must be reordered. It can also pinpoint additional company executives or contacts that must get involved.

Why So Important?

Cybersecurity service advisors from the Nashville company use the following example of a potential cybersecurity incident at a large accounting firm. We will call it Acme Accounting. Imagine this scenario:

You are an executive at Acme Accounting. You’re coming up on tax filing season and are consumed with work on multi-million-dollar client projects. Suddenly, you are interrupted by your IT manager, who tells you one of your vendors has experienced a data breach. You realize immediately that this means that your clients’ sensitive information may have been compromised. You have planned for this, so you are not that worried.

Unfortunately, you have never practiced your plan. Shortly after your IT Manager’s alert, you realize your plan does not work as envisioned. You are now scrambling to decide what to tell your customers while simultaneously trying to figure out how to deal with the problem. Now you must figure out how to mitigate damage for the affected clients while retaining the trust of your entire client base.

Had your management team simply taken the time to run a series of security drills, you could have avoided your current state of panic and corrected the gaps and mistakes. You would have known exactly what to do, when to do it, and who within your organization would lead each step of your response plan.

A Better Way

ImageQuest’s cybersecurity service offerings can help businesses in Nashville and beyond create and practice their Security Incident Response Plans. This may include everything from how to save data in the critical first moments to what to say to your clients when it is time to issue a statement. By running routine drills, your workers will be ready to handle the unexpected.

It may not be possible to prevent every security incident. But our conversation with ImageQuest has helped us better understand that having a plan in place and practicing each step of that plan before a disaster occurs is the best way to prevent serious ramifications.

If you are looking for a cybersecurity service in Nashville, Louisville, or Bowling Green, visit ImageQuest online at or call 888.979.2679 for more information.