Garrett Hoelscher Speaks about CrossFit’s Many Benefits

Zrywl recently caught up with Garrett Hoelscher, an exercise enthusiast and follower of the CrossFit method of strength training, to get the inside scoop on this relatively new fitness program.

Zrywl: Thank you for joining us today. We’ve been wondering what all the talk was about. CrossFit is everywhere here lately.

Garrett Hoelscher: That’s because it is so effective; it’s a program that you can follow every day, never get bored, and wake up each morning ready to find out the WOD.

Zrywl: WOD?

Garrett Hoelscher: Workout of the Day. It’s basically a series of motions the gym plans. Followers actually post their times, weights, and reps online to see who is the fittest that day.

Zrywl: Oh, so a little friendly competition?

Garrett Hoelscher: You bet. That is one of the coolest aspects of the workout. You get to compare yourself to others and see where you rank each day.

Zrywl: Very interesting. How did CrossFit come about?

Garrett Hoelscher: Back in 1995 a man names Greg Glassman opened up a little gym in Santa Cruz. Today, there are over 3,500 CrossFit certified training facilities across the nation.

Zrywl: That’s a very fast rate of growth.

Garrett Hoelscher: The gym also advocates a Paleolithic diet.

Zrywl: Can you explain that? It sounds like something from the caveman era…

Garrett Hoelscher: Well, you’re actually right about that. Most people are surprised to find out that today’s current diets are terrible for our human anatomy. We eat way too much processed food and our bodies are fighting back with reactions such as heart disease and diabetes.

Zrywl: Really? What kinds of foods are consistent with the CrossFit ideology?

Garrett Hoelscher: You’ve been to a grocery store – you know the outside isles are the perishable products and the inside isles are boxes and bags. Avoid those inside isles and focus on the perimeter and you’ll basically have the foundation for a Paleo diet. Lots of greens, lean meats, and low glycemic carbs are a pretty good start.

Zrywl: How hard is this diet and exercise program to follow?

Garrett Hoelscher: Not as hard as you’d think once you get your mind geared toward a new way of thinking. They say that after 21 days something becomes a habit – I think three weeks of forcing something is nothing compared to a lifelong opportunity to benefit health-wise. Not to mention, for those with children, teaching future generations how the body should look and feel.

Zrywl: This is all completely fascinating.

Garrett Hoelscher: There is a great deal of scientific research to back up both the diet and workout regime. Of course, nothing is without it critics and I’d suggest each individual consult their family doctor before making any drastic changes over night.

Zrywl: It looks like we are out of time for the day. Thank you, Garrett. This has been a conversation that we are sure our readers can ponder for quite some time.

Garrett Hoelscher: My pleasure.

Markus Lattner Talks About His Love for Racing

Markus Lattner may take his job as an improvement manager for a Community Supported Agricultural (CSA) farm seriously, but he knows the value of a hobby about which he feels passionate. For Markus Lattner, a love for racing came early, while racing with his father in Austria.

Markus Lattner’s father was passionate about racing as well. In fact, Lattner fondly recalls joining his father as he worked with the Austrian Rally scene. Watching his father support drivers at the beginning of their careers taught Markus Lattner the importance of hard work and perseverance.

Today, Markus Lattner tells us what he enjoys most about rally racing, which is still a family affair.

Zrylw: When it comes to rally racing, you aren’t just a fan. You also work on the technical side, right?

Markus Lattner: I’ve repaired and helped build cars for the races. My brother owns his own business building and repairing cars for the sport, so we both have a special interest in it.

Zrylw: What’s one of the things you like most about this sport?

Markus Lattner: I love the fact that it stays true to its roots. Rally racing is one of few sports committed to its history. Rally racing features cars like you and I drive on roads like the ones you and I ride on every single day.

Zrylw: Rally races also have co-pilots. That isn’t seen in other forms of racing.

Markus Lattner: The co-pilot helps the driver by telling them where to Drive and what the next turn is and at which optimum speed it can be taken.

Zrylw: Like a GPS?

Markus Lattner: A human navigation system, yes.

Zrylw: Have you ever done ride-alongs?

Markus Lattner: As a kid I would sometimes ride along with the drivers. I can’t tell you how great the experience was.

Zrylw: What did you learn from these?

Markus Lattner: I saw firsthand just how alert and experienced these drivers must be. Professional racing is far more than steering a car and pressing a gas pedal. It’s hard work.

Zrylw: Did you ever want to be a driver yourself?

Markus Lattner: What boy wouldn’t? But I learned so much working with the support team, and as I got older I ended up putting that knowledge to use in the business world.

Zrylw: How so?

Markus Lattner: When you’re working with the pit crew, you see how slimmed-down and efficient the process is.

Zrylw: Is this where you learned the lean manufacturing you speak about today?

Markus Lattner: It provided the core principles, yes. A pit crew has to be on top of everything. There’s no wasting time or working with clutter. It’s the same philosophy I apply to my work with manufacturers.

Markus Lattner has a love for the environment and brings that love to the sport of rally racing. He points to advancements in car safety and technologies that were developed with the sport and helped to improve them for everyday cars.

Pierre Bennett Global Vacations: Best Places in New Orleans

Pierre Bennett Global Vacations says that New Orleans is one of the most vital cities in America, and recommends that club members visit “The Big Easy.” With such regional favorites as catfish, jambalaya, gumbo and beignets, visitors should be warned to leave their diet plans at home. Visitors usually don’t need much encouragement to drink and dance, because life really is a party in New Orleans and, with Pierre Bennett Global Vacations travel club discounts, now is the best time to go.

The French Quarter should be one of the first stops on any trip to New Orleans, says the team at Pierre Bennett Global Vacations, and it’s the land of Creoles – the descendants of the first French and Spanish settlers. Pierre Bennett Global Vacations notes that the European legacy is everywhere with wrought-iron balconies, shutters, and etoffee perfuming the air. Pierre Bennett Global Vacations tells members that the French Quarter is unique and will be a dream vacation for anyone who visits there. Also, with the variety of Pierre Bennett Global Vacations club resorts available, members don’t need to worry about finding accommodations.

The team at Pierre Bennett Global Vacations also advises visitors to explore other places in New Orleans, and one of the best ways to do that is to hop on the St. Charles Streetcar. Pierre Bennett Global Vacations says that it’s worth spending a dollar for the ride – even if you have nowhere in particular to visit. The traveling National Historic Landmark runs from Canal Street, through the university district and ends up at Palmer Park. Pierre Bennett Global Vacations suggests that visitors stay on the streetcar to the end of the line – because the driver simply flips the seats in the opposite direction and heads to the other end of the car where the second set of controls are. It’s an ingenious maneuver.

Another popular New Orleans destination is the Garden District. Pierre Bennett Global Vacations suggests that members visit this historical part of town, noting that it has absolutely no French influence. The reason? When Americans arrived in New Orleans after the Louisiana Purchase, the local Creole population was not enthusiastic. Pierre Bennett Global Vacations says that the new residents set up their own encampment, which they called the “City of Lafayette.” Now known as the Garden District, it is named for the lush gardens the new residents planted. Pierre Bennett Global Vacations reports that Anne Rice owns two houses in the area – one with a dog statue on a balcony.

Pierre Bennett Global Vacations members receive the lowest price available at time of booking a trip. For more information, call (703) 395-1430.


Douglas Battista Offers Travelers a Rundown of London’s Best Attractions

Douglas Battista says no trip to London is complete without visiting these key landmarks.

The Churchill War Rooms

Located on King Charles Street, Douglas Battista reports that the Churchill War Rooms are not only an amazing historical find, honoring one of England’s most famous soldiers, but that this site’s proximity to St. James Park and other museums and parliamentary buildings makes it a great stop on an all-day London tour.

Hampton Court Palace

Want to step back in time? Douglas Battista notes that visitors can do just that at the Hampton Court Palace. This former home of King Henry XIII still hosts court where tourists can participate in a living anachronism, and may even have a chance to glimpse the King picking a midday snack off the world’s largest grapevine, which is located in the Gardens.

London Bridge Exhibition

According to Douglas Battista, a holiday in the nation’s capital is enhanced with a visit to the London Bridge Exhibition.  The landmark, which originated as a Roman pontoon military bridge in 50 AD, has been rebuilt at or near the same spot over the Thames numerous times in its 2000 year history. Douglas Battista also remarks that a unique and memorable restaurant, the Medieval Banquet, is close to the bridge, and is a must for hungry vacationers.

Thames River Cruise

The Tower Bridge may also be viewed from a cruise on the Thames, reports Douglas Battista. This cruise covers London in depth like no other tour in the area. Douglas Battista highlights the beauty of the River Boat itself with its large windows and open-air upper deck.

St. Paul’s Cathedral

According to Douglas Battista, this iconic figure of London’s skyline took 35 years to complete. It’s no wonder, when the amount of detail and quality of craftsmanship is considered. Douglas Battista claims that this attraction, in addition to its status as a mecca for Christians, is also a prime spot for those looking for a bit of a challenge. Five hundred and thirty steps lead to the top of the Golden Gallery, which boasts some of the best panoramic views of London’s core.

Windsor Castle

The home of a current British Royal, Her Majesty the Queen, Windsor Castle’s claim to fame is its continuous occupation for the last 900 years. The castle is purported as haunted by visitors, who claim the sound of Queen Elizabeth I’s heels are still heart wafting through this Gothic structure’s halls and passages, says Douglas Battista.

Douglas Battista is a travel enthusiast who says that London is among his favorite vacation destinations for its never-ending list of attractions and historical landmarks. He is the President of North America Field Operations of the Jenny Craig Company, and resides in sunny California.

Steven Delarge: Albany’s Recent Economic Growth

Steven Delarge has noticed, during time spent in Albany, that living in the state capital means a strong governmental presence. In fact, according to Steven Delarge, more than a quarter of the city’s residents work for state and local government. More work in sectors that support governmental operations and employees—restaurants, law firms, and many others, Steven Delarge relates.

But even though it’s the “capital region” of New York, Steven Delarge  points out that Albany is also known as a university town. The State University of New York (SUNY) has a campus in Albany, one of more than twenty colleges and universities in Albany, Steven Delarge adds. This not only leads to campus-related jobs, but it also brings businesses to town to support the influx of students all these colleges bring.

All of these colleges have also brought technology to the town. Steven Delarge cites the nanotechnology program at SUNY as an innovator in the field. This has enticed many students to the campus, especially after Albany was a recipient of part of a government grant to build nanotechnology research centers throughout the state.

Steven Delarge notes that a deal by Tokyo Electron Ltd. sent chip manufacturing researchers to Albany and other technology researchers followed. Albany isn’t merely a technological marvel, however. Steven Delarge points out that the city is home to manufacturers of paper products, steel, cement, medical products, chemicals, and more.

In 2012, as the country gradually emerges from an economic downturn, Steven Delarge and other city businessmen are watching Albany’s economic development with great optimism. In early May, the nanoscience program at SUNY received national coverage on CBS Evening News, as the network used the jobs created by the program as an example of the recovering economy. Steven Delarge has watched, as others in Albany have, the multitude of press coverage both SUNY’s program and the nearby GlobalFoundries plant in Malta have gotten.

In a country that centers on technological innovation, Albany is working hard to stay at the top of the technology curve. Steven Delarge believes that by attracting students who will learn pioneering methodologies, the city will be prepared for a local workforce that is ahead of the rest of the country. This, says Delarge, will always have a positive impact on the local economy.

But the large governmental population cannot be ignored. Steven Delarge emphasizes that Albany will always have a large sector employed by state and local government. As such, the ability to competitively attract good employees and industry to provide support to the citizens of Albany will still be important, concludes Delarge.

James Stuckey | Thoughts on Strategic Litigation

James Stuckey, former President of the New York City Public Development Corp., explains that once a real estate development idea is brought to the table, there are other obstacles to overcome.

According to James Stuckey, while the first step in any real estate project is to shape the idea, the next step is to develop a strategy to respond to those individuals who may bring lawsuits, why, and what can be done to ensure they are not successful. In the real estate realm, says James Stuckey, winning the lawsuits are the penultimate land use approvals.

James Stuckey points out that few members of the public, and an even smaller number of “decision-makers,” understand what the information in a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) tells them; and, those that do are given unreasonably short periods of time to analyze and respond to the data. According to James Stuckey, Environment Impact Statements and the EIS process have really become a tool to litigate, delay or stop a development. Unfortunately, laments James Stuckey, almost no one pays attention to the environmental impacts that are disclosed; and, in some instances, because some impacts can’t be mitigated, all that’s required is disclosure.  This is true for all land use approvals, as virtually any decision made by a public official or public body is subject to challenge in court, notes James Stuckey.

Other factors that may impact the pre-development phase, says James Stuckey, are blogs, the Internet, and instant access to information (including false information that project opponents or competitors can “create” on the web), and these have changed litigation strategies. There have also been instances where regions, states and municipalities have used litigation to block projects, steal or retain corporate tenants, and leverage infrastructure improvements, maintains James Stuckey.

During his three-decade long career, James Stuckey has seen countless lawsuits. For instance, there were dozens of suits initiated over the course of twenty years to litigate against and stop the Times Square Redevelopment. Lawsuits can focus on issues such as land use claims and environmental issues to eminent domain and first amendment rights, according to James Stuckey.

Nearly any person or group of people can bring a lawsuit to try to block a specific development, notes James Stuckey. Before Hamilton Plaza, a project in the Gowanus section of Brooklyn, a group of local merchants brought a federal suit that tried to block the addition of a large supermarket to the neighborhood.

A developer must wear many hats before he can get down to business, says James Stuckey. He must endeavor to foresee all issues that may arise, determine the best course of action to circumvent these issues, and make a convincing case as to why the proposed development should be allowed to proceed, concludes James Stuckey.

James Stuckey is not only a hands-on real estate developer; he is also an educator who has served as the Dean of the New York University Schack Institute of Real Estate.


Ian Woodman, Idaho Businessman, Explains How You May Be Overpaying Taxes

Ian Woodman, Idaho co-founder of Instant Tax Solutions, has seen many taxpayers struggle with the IRS. In addition to providing resolution to tax problems from simple to complex, Ian Woodman provides Idaho residents with tax assistance both leading up to and during tax season.

While overdue tax filings and past-due payments are a common challenge for the company’s clients, says Ian Woodman of Idaho based Instant Tax Solutions, the staff at ITS also sees another issue. Taxpayers who do not seek assistance during tax time end up paying more than they should, says Ian Woodman. Idaho residents who seek tax assistance from ITS often learn that there are many ways they can save money each year.

One of the biggest problems, points out Ian Woodman of Idaho based Instant Tax Solutions, is that taxpayers are so afraid of an IRS audit they don’t claim all the deductions they are owed. While it is definitely wise to err on the safe side, Ian Woodman, notes Idaho taxpayers may be actually overpaying the IRS. A qualified tax professional can help them determine what rights they have, adds Woodman.

Claiming items like a home office are legitimate if done according to tax guidelines, Ian Woodman of Idaho based Instant Tax Solutions says. If you work from home, you may be entitled to claim a portion of your home costs, including your mortgage, Woodman reports. The key is to know the tax laws and the tax professionals at Ian Woodman ’s Idaho based Instant Tax Solutions can help you decipher them.

Another way taxpayers overpay, according to Ian Woodman of Idaho, is by having too much withdrawn throughout the year. While this overpayment may be small, the amount you could be saving each year can add up over time, notes Ian Woodman. Idaho ’s Instant Tax Solutions office regularly counsels taxpayers about having less withheld throughout the year and saving or investing that money. This ensures the taxpayer gets the interest instead of the IRS, explains Ian Woodman, Idaho Instant Tax Solutions co-owner.

While not everyone has the discipline to set that money aside, as experts like Ian Woodman in Idaho have seen, it can be done. Simply change your withholding and have an automatic transfer set up with your bank each paycheck in the amount you would have been paying to the IRS.

Instant Tax Solutions was co-founded by Ian Woodman, Idaho businessman, and his business partner Byron Pedersen. Ian Woodman’s Idaho Instant Tax Solutions office helps thousands of clients each year by providing insightful tax advice.

Apostle Pierre Bennett: The Prayer of Faith

Apostle Pierre Bennett is the founder and pastor of God’s Luv International Ministries Church, a Virginia-based ministry with services twice a week. God’s Luv International Ministries shares Apostle Pierre Bennett’s vision of a worldwide ministry to help those in need.

Apostle Pierre Bennett explains to his congregation that God wants soldiers. He wants followers who will be there for Him one hundred and ten percent. In return, God will be there for them a thousand percent, Apostle Pierre Bennett says.

You came to God to be saved, but over time, you may have lost your original intent, according to Apostle Pierre Bennett. Being saved is a great retirement plan, Apostle Pierre Bennett believes. It means you’ll have eternal life. There are certainly benefits that come with being saved, but you may find you still aren’t where you want to be in your earthly life, Apostle Pierre Bennett adds.

You may consistently be praying to God though you’ve discovered His greatness and you’re following His Word, but you aren’t yet receiving the blessings you desire the most in your life. Apostle Pierre Bennett knows you’re probably wondering what you can do to bring these blessings. You want to get to that place where you’re fully walking with Him and are ready to receive the blessings He has for you in this life, Apostle Pierre Bennett adds.

God says being truly blessed means abundance, Apostle Pierre Bennett relays. Not just financial prosperity, according to Apostle Pierre Bennett, but abundance in every area of your life – excellent health, loving people around you, healthy happy family, a nice home, good job or career or business. As Apostle Pierre Bennett puts it, there are so many ways to have abundance in your life.

You can think of some people who may seem happy and prosperous but if you look closely into their lives there are usually one or two components that are not complete because they are not walking in the fullness of God.  You can’t have the total package unless you’re walking with the Creator of the total package, teaches Apostle Pierre Bennett.

Instant Tax Solutions’ Ratings Offers Unparalleled Service

There are several reasons why Instant Tax Solutions’ ratings are so high; in this brief interview Zrylw Blog discusses their services with the Instant tax Solutions Ratings Team.

Zrylw: Thank you for joining us today. With tax season in full swing, we are lucky to have caught you.

Instant Tax Solutions Ratings Team: We are always glad to speak about taxes; it’s what we do!

Zrylw: We understand that Instant Tax Solutions’ ratings with the BBB have remained consistently an A+ – that is quite an achievement. We want to congratulate you for that honor.

Instant Tax Solutions Ratings Team: We thank you for that. We definitely couldn’t have done it without our service team.

Zrylw: What type of agents does your firm employ?

Instant Tax Solutions Ratings Team: Only the best former IRS Auditors, Certified Public Accountants, Federally Licensed Enrolled Agents, and Legal Counsel.

Zrylw: Please tell our readers what services you provide.

Instant Tax Solutions Ratings Team: We offer Tax Resolution services; basically, when a taxpayer is behind with Uncle Sam, we help them understand why and sort through options they have for repayment.

Zrylw: There are options?

Instant Tax Solutions Ratings Team: Yes, actually, the IRS has many programs available for those who cannot file on time, cannot pay on time, or who are already behind – even if they are years past due.

Zrylw: Very interesting. We didn’t know that.

Instant Tax Solutions Ratings Team: Many good hard-working Americans don’t. The IRS isn’t just going to call everyone who is late and say, “We’ll catch you next year, when you are caught up on your personal obligations…”

Zrylw: So, what kinds of reductions are available?

Instant Tax Solutions Ratings Team: There are programs that allow for monthly payments and even reduced penalties.

Zrylw: Are all taxpayers eligible and guaranteed reduced taxes?

Instant Tax Solutions Ratings Team: No, that is a topic of discussion now among agencies like us. There have been a number of TV ads placed over the last few years that promise results – to everyone. The fact of the matter is, it isn’t possible to make those claims. The IRS has very specific guidelines, policies and safeguards in place to ensure proper use of the system.

Zrylw: That sounds very confusing. How does Instant tax Solutions keep up with it all?

Instant Tax Solutions Ratings Team: Our staff is trained and re-trained constantly. We monitor the IRS’s regulations and ensure that our representatives are up-to-date on even the smallest changes.

Zrylw: Looking at your website, we can see you are different. It says that you offer direct support, flat fees, and that you are licensed in all 50 states. Is that right?

Instant Tax Solutions Ratings Team: Yes, that is all correct. Also, as a value-added service to our clients, we offer a comprehensive evaluation of their tax situation before we accept their case or their payment. Our staff will advise if there does not appear to be an IRS program that can help, and why.

Zrylw: No wonder Instant Tax Solutions has earned such high marks from the Better Business Bureau.

Instant Tax Solutions Ratings Team: We take pride in each and every case that we present to the IRS and we are certainly honored to have the recognition of an A+ rated firm.

The Instant Tax Solutions Ratings Team, a group of the firm’s employees who specialize in rating and accessing taxpayer information, offers a no obligation, no cost consultation. The group specializes in solutions and offers services without delay, without hidden charges, and without false promises. For more information, visit them online at or call 888.387.4071

Steven P. Delarge on Building Standalone Finance Team

Business entrepreneur Steven P. Delarge learned quite a bit from his own experience in building a standalone finance team. The opportunity came when Steven P. Delarge was involved in the sale of the operating division of a public company. Prior to the sale, Steven P. Delarge’s division had its finances handled by the parent company, but following the sale a new finance team had to be formed.

Steven P. Delarge called upon all available resources to put his team together. To begin, Steven P. Delarge sought out other businesses in the field that had been through a similar experience. Steven P. Delarge was able to gather advice from portfolio companies who had also been sold by a parent company. These companies had also found it necessary to put together a standalone finance team, as well.

During this process, Steven P. Delarge called upon external audit partners who were invaluable in helping the company set up a finance team. Not only did they help Steven P. Delarge and the rest of the team get the financial books in order, they were able to provide the names of local recruiters who could put Steven P. Delarge in contact with local talent. This local talent, as it turned out, would be the key to building a successful standalone finance team.

Steven P. Delarge suggests businesses might find inspiration in Xerox Corporation, which deliberately made its finance team independent of all other organizations. In completely reorganizing the company’s accounting unit, CFO Lawrence Zimmerman created a process that offered measurable results, Steven P. Delarge points out. These operational results were geared specifically toward what a CFO needs to know about operations, Steven P. Delarge explains, not what the local operations manager needs. And that is exactly the way it should be, says Delarge.

As Steven P. Delarge explains, the finance team has external sources to which it answers regularly. Because of this, Steven P. Delarge believes the finance team should be accountable to itself first. A CEO may have his or her own demands for reporting, a good CEO understands that the finance team is also responsible for answering to external audits that may or may not coincide with the needs of the company, including SOX compliance, SEC requirements, and others.

By building a good standalone finance team and allowing them to independently operate to their best ability, Steven P. Delarge believes a CEO will set his team up for success. And if a finance team is successful, it reflects well on the rest of the company, concludes Delarge.