Tag Archives: Ant Control

Pest Control in Bentonville, AR: An All-Year Endeavour

Alder Pest ControlWe tend to think of pest control as something we only need to do in the summer. After all, that’s when mosquitoes are most active, right? Yes, but there are many other bugs and other bothersome creatures that can wreak havoc on you and your home. Some of them are most active during the cooler months.

If you live in the Bentonville, AR area, pest control should be a priority throughout the entire year. Three reasons: cockroaches, rodents, and termites.

There are around six dozen species of cockroach in the US, and many of them live in the South. Although the vast majority make their home outdoors, cooler temperatures will send many looking for shelter, which they can find in your home through cracks and crevices. The most common types of cockroach to be on the lookout for include German, Asian, and Smokey Brown cockroach. Further, although most closely associated with Florida, Bentonville, AR pest control professionals note that palmetto bugs (the American cockroach) are also common.

Rodents are most common indoors during the fall and winter. Rats and mice, which can spread more than 30 different types of diseases, also seek warmth and food as cool temperatures take over. Your pest control company can help reduce the number of rodents in your home by sealing entry points and taking other measures to reduce reproduction. Of special note to parents and pet owners, Alder Pest Control uses chemicals that are safe for the rest of your family. Technicians are further trained in protocols specific to each pest control job.

Termites are not as active as cockroaches and rodents during the winter, but preventative pest control is the best medicine here. In Bentonville, the moderate climate means that some of the 2800 termites species may never burrow underground. These wood-destroying insects can eat at the foundation and frame of your home, and they will often bore holes in walls and furniture.

Regardless of what type of pest you are trying to keep at bay, DIY pest control methods aren’t always enough. Although trimming vegetation to more than 20 inches from your home’s foundation, putting food away at night, keeping the house clean, and eliminating dark, damp areas where bugs can hide will help, only a professional will know which species are waiting for you to let your guard down.

Alder Pest Control has experts ready to help with your nuisance issues year round. Call 479-802-0087 for your appointment.