Tag Archives: Chiro8000Reviews

Chiro 8000 Reviews 5 Tips For Successful Chiropractic Practice Marketing, Scheduling and E-Billing

Reviews by the Chiro 8000 development team have pointed out that downward trends in the current economy, coupled with the rising cost of healthcare, means that patients are choosing much more carefully where they spend their medical dollars. Parallel to the economy is the rise in computer related jobs. Chiro 8000 says that reviews of these computer related occupations show that 80% of the population will experience back or neck pain, and that back pain is one of the leading causes for missed days of work. Chiropractic medicine, with its emphasis on prevention, wellness, and alternative methods of healing, makes good financial sense to patients.

Chiro 8000 Reviews Caution Doctors About the Danger of Letting Their Office Get Sick

Chiro 8000 reviews say that an office management system is comparable to the body. Like any system, it requires maintenance and well care to make it runs smoothly. In order for a chiropractic office to be efficient and competitive, it needs streamlined management and an organizational infrastructure that predicts and cares for issues before they develop into problems. In this brief article, the Chiro 8000 team reviews 5 ways to build a stronger chiropractic medical practice in spite of the down economy.

Chiro 8000 reviews the benefits of overhead reduction through recycling and reduction of energy use. Purchasing a software program like Chiro 8000 can help to consolidate tasks – reducing staff hours.

Chiro 8000 reviews the potential of a chiropractor’s office to offer remarkable service. When office staff can get the same tasks done faster and with fewer errors by implementing the Chiro 8000, there is more time to devote to patients.

Customer reviews of the Chiro 8000 product show that it helps to grow a client base with educational products. Chiro 8000 reviews also point to increased efficiency through multi-tasking. This helps reduce paperwork errors, makes filing claims easier, manages appointments, and creates reports with ease.

Chiro 8000 allows reviews of patient data to stay in touch with your current clients. Acknowledge birthdays, send out appointment reminders, and take the time to relate.

Chiro 8000 offers a wellness care model that can apply to many systems. Taking what we have and making it stronger makes sense for our financial, business, and healthcare lives. For more information and additional reviews of the Chiro 8000 and how to take better care of your Chiropractic office visit www.Chiro8000.com or call 800-456-2622.

Chiro8000 Medical Office Management Software Finds Innovation

Innovation is a word that is tossed around quite a lot these days. However, when it comes to Forte Systems’ Chiro8000 Medical Management Software, with its Windmill technology, the word is more than appropriate. The Chiro8000 Windmill Technology is a unique assembly of program features designed to increase software speed and efficiency while keeping the medical database optimally clean. It is unique to the Chiro8000 Patient Relationship Software and comes standard with all levels for various size practices.

Chiro8000 Boasts Impressive Features

Chiro8000 Speed
By optimizing the database using the latest Microsoft® tools available, Chiro8000 version 12 runs far faster than previous versions in a variety of areas. For example Chiro8000 version 12 now generates a list of all claims processed nearly 97% faster! A process like monthly aging which would often take 5-7 minutes for a database with 5,000 patient files, is now done automatically in just a few seconds. Patient lookup aspects of the Chiro8000 software run at a 33% increase in speed. Basic and complex database reports generate in less than one minute with the Chiro8000.

Chiro8000 Efficiency
The superior programming of the Chiro8000 reduces the demand of computer resources as compared to competitor software. With the current version of Chiro8000, there is a 98% reduction in computer memory usage. In addition, functionality is enhanced with one-click billing, making it possible for practices that have previously outsourced their billing to bring it back in-house. This aspect of the Chiro8000 Windmill Technology allows for “claims-on-the-fly” for the fastest billing possible.

Chiro8000 Cleaner
The self-cleaning database of the Chiro8000 now comes with a database integrity check. This feature scans for errors and reports them as necessary. This piece of Chiro8000 Windmill Technology is designed to keep the program running optimally and spot issues that could otherwise lead to data corruption.

Chiro8000 Provides 21st Century Solutions

The Chiro8000 improves workflow, minimizes navigation, reduces clicks, and makes patient information readily available to health practitioners when they need it. It allows users complete control over the system. Additionally, Chiro8000 users are able to create custom display and intake screens and quickly toggle between multiple patient folders.

It is hard to imagine how most practices would not see tremendous improvements in office efficiency and patient satisfaction. For more information about the Chiro8000, visit www.chiro8000.com or call 800-456-2622.