Tag Archives: Discoveries

Incredible Discoveries on Lifetime with Keenfit

The following segment aired on Incredible Discoveries on Lifetime Television. Joining the show was Sheri Simson of Keenfit to discuss Keenfit Walking Poles

Incredible Discoveries on Lifetime Television Guest: Sheri Simson

Incredible Discoveries on Lifetime Television: Forget having to pay to use an expensive stuffy gym. Forget the hard-to-use exercise equipment. Forget trying to work your schedule around workout times that don’t work for you. Forget having to “sweat like a pig, pant like a dog and hurt somewhere” in order to get fit. Instead, Incredible Discoveries shows you how to turn a simple walk around the block into an efficient, effective, total-body workout, with less effort and more benefits than regular walking.

Incredible Discoveries viewers can turn their body into a calorie burning incinerator with Keenfit walking poles. You’ll ramp up the benefits of your daily walk by raising the experience to a total-body workout that engages over 90 percent of your body’s major muscles. And you’ll boost your ability to burn calories by up to 48%. Incredible Discoveries will show you how Keenfit walking poles can strengthen your arms, legs, back, and your entire core, while strengthening and improving your posture. And you’ll do all of this with less effort than regular walking.

Exercise has numerous health and well-being benefits that help in preventing, and sometimes, even cure many health challenges. With walking being one of the easiest forms of exercise that you can do, there’s no reason not to add Keenfit walking poles today, so you can make it even easier – easier on you and a lot more beneficial. Pole walking is a rhythmically, energizing form of walking that includes a specially designed pair of walking poles that engage the use of your entire body rather than just your lower half.

Forget the old “no pain – no gain” mentality.  Incredible Discoveries knows you can get fit, with Keenfit. Start today – take the Keenfit challenge and get your Keenfit walking poles and make your walk more beneficial.

“I started using my pole walking sticks about 3 and a half months ago.  I lost 40 pounds in 3 and a half months.  It is just amazing, I step on the scale and I can’t believe it,” says one Keenfit walking pole user.

As seen on Incredible Discoveries, your Keenfit walking poles come with cork-rubber-mix handles that absorb moisture for a safer, more comfortable grip and ergonomically designed palm straps that eliminate hand cramping. These light-weight poles are made of aluminum-alloy and are completely adjustable for different heights. Whether you’re a casual average walker or a serious athletic walker, anyone can pole walk. Incredible Discoveries wants you to take the Keenfit walking pole challenge, get your Keenfit walking system today and walk your path to a healthier and happier life.

Incredible Discoveries: I’m Brian Fasulo here, with my very buff and enthusiastic co-host, Sheri Simson. Now Sheri, you couldn’t tell by looking at you now, but before you became well-known as “The pole lady”, you were actually struggling with your weight and exercise. Please tell us how you came to find out about pole walking.

Simson:  I truly know what it’s like to be frustrated while trying to get fit. I know what it’s like to be over-weight. I was a crazy, busy building contractor and the mother of 3, when my mother-in-law from Denmark gave me a pair of walking poles. First of all, just so you know, I’m one of those women that put on 50 pounds with each pregnancy, and I tend to keep at least 10 pounds each time.

When I first started walking with poles, I didn’t have a clue on how to use them. I didn’t even know how they worked.  But before I knew it, I couldn’t get over what started happening to me, I started feeling muscles I hadn’t even felt before – in my shoulders, arms, core, and in my back.  It was so great.  But the thing that I love the most was the added energy I had.  Before, when I used to walk, I used to watch my clock and go “OK, that’s enough, I’m done now”.  But now with the poles, instead I go “Do you think I can go another block? Do you think I could go for 10 more minutes? Oh that block went fast, I’ll go another.”  I just had so much energy, I felt like the energizer bunny.

Six months later, I lost 30 pounds, and I was so fascinated by what had happened to me, and so excited about what this European fitness secret could do for others. After training and studying, I founded Keenfit and developed the Keenfit walking system.  North America has a crazy lifestyle and our health system is in pretty rough shape; not to mention we are in epidemic proportions with cancer, diabetes, stroke, heart disease and obesity. They are at an all-time high.  Interestingly enough, exercise is at the top of the list to help prevent and even help cure many of these health challenges, with walking being one of the easiest forms of exercise that we can pretty much all do.

Incredible Discoveries: Now, I know Incredible Discoveries viewers are sitting at home right now that can totally relate to your incredible story.

Simson: Well, that’s why I so appreciate being on Incredible Discoveries to be able to share it with people, because I know what it’s like to be overweight and out of shape. But, I tell you, when I found poles, it changed my life forever.  But what I really want to let Incredible Discoveries viewers know is how easy and fun it is to do.

As one of the nation’s leading direct response marketing firms, Incredible Discoveries offers unrivaled production capabilities and the industry’s most professional creative staff. With over 125 dedicated and eager employees, Incredible Discoveries has the right people for every situation and the experience to make every campaign a success. To Incredible Discoveries’ credit is the Lifetime Network’s morning variety show, The Balancing Act. As well, the firm is a leading e-commerce provider, offering strong tie-in content to their TV spots. Incredible Discoveries is a division of O2 Media, Inc.

Incredible Discoveries on Lifetime with Iampur

The following segment aired on Incredible Discoveries on Lifetime Television. Joining Incredible Discoveries was Phil Hudson of lampur to discuss Iampur Relief

Incredible Discoveries on Lifetime Television Guest: Phil Hudson

Incredible Discoveries on Lifetime Television: You know what it feels like…the stiffness, the swelling, the dull achiness. It’s back pain and arthritis; and no matter what you do, you can’t cure it – it’s always there! You’ve tried everything: aspirin, ibuprofen, prescription drugs that can have harmful side effects, those sticky wraps that are next to impossible to apply, and nothing works.  There’s got to be a better solution.

Incredible Discoveries shows you how you can be pain free in 3 minutes, guaranteed. One out of every three adults has arthritis or joint pain and it can ruin your daily life. Now, there is a smart, natural solution to deal with this on-going pain problem – Iampur-relief.

Iampu-relief was professionally formulated to provide fast-acting and long-lasting pain relief, so you can start to live again. If you’re one of the over 65 million Americans that suffer from arthritis, back pain or joint pain, if pain has robbed you of your independence and denied you from doing the things that you truly love to do, or even kept you awake at night, now, you can finally free yourself from the limitations of aches and pains. Iampur-relief reduces swelling and pain with a miraculous, natural topical cream unlike anything you have ever tried before.

Through this exclusive TV only offer seen on Incredible Discoveries, you can be pain free in three minutes, guaranteed. We’re going to introduce to you an extraordinary, natural product, designed by the team of a pharmacist and a medical doctor. As seen on Incredible Discoveries, Iampur is a company that is dedicated to making products that work, guaranteed. The product we’re going to introduce to you does just that, it works. Iampur-relief is a revolutionary, natural topical product made to relieve pain in joints and muscles for people with arthritis, osteo or rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, tendonitis, joint pain, muscle soreness, back pain, carpal tunnel, and sports injuries. Virtually anyone that is suffering from pain can benefit from Iampur-relief, guaranteed. Incredible Discoveries proudly introduces Phil Hudson, an award winning, compounding pharmacist and product co-creator from the company, Iampur.

Incredible Discoveries: Phil, thanks for being here and bringing along this wonderful product; it’s fabulous.

Hudson: Thank you so much for having me. At Iampur, we’re very excited about the invention of “Iampur-relief”.  The beauty of Iampur-relief is that you can use it externally anywhere that you have pain. Now, that might be only your hands or your wrists after a game of golf.  It could be your back, neck, legs, anywhere that you feel external pain or soreness. You can use Iampur-relief with the exception, of course, on your eyes or your mouth.

Incredible Discoveries:  The coverage is incredible, you don’t need a lot; just a little dab will do you.

Hudson: That’s right; it’s very concentrated. And what you’re going to notice right away is that it is a cream, it’s not a gel or an ointment. We’ve combined the cosmetic feel of a cream with the therapy of a pain rub.  And that means this isn’t going to stain your clothes or anything that you touch.

Incredible Discoveries: I know there are some ointments that get very greasy and messy, but this is soft and smooth; and I’ll tell you something, it smells pretty good.

Hudson: Yes, absolutely.  Iampur-Relief, being based on natural ingredients – contains menthol, camphor and wintergreen. They’re not only pain blockers, but they’re also aromatherapy. These ingredients are rapidly absorbed into the skin and act as a local block to help relieve the pain in the muscle or the joint. We’ve also added in a blend of omega oils, rich in essential
fatty-acids.  These oils actually decrease inflammation and also act as food for the skin.

Incredible Discoveries: Food for the skin – I like the way that sounds.

Hudson: That’s right! Also we have MSM, glucosamine and sea buckthorn extract.  These, all together, relieve joint swelling and pain through a natural, anti-inflammatory reaction.

Incredible Discoveries: So, the bottom line is that all of these ingredients assist each other in helping to do the same thing; that’s to relieve joint pain and swelling, and make you feel better.

Hudson: Exactly! And that is encompassed in the all-in-one, and I mean one, revolutionary formulation.

Incredible Discoveries: So, you’ve taken all of the best ingredients to relieve joint pain, swelling, achiness, and put it in this one cream, so no other products are needed.

Hudson: That’s right. Our main goal is to eliminate or reduce oral medications, because sometimes they can have very harmful side effects.

Incredible Discoveries: Iampur-Relief gets directly to the source of the problem. And I know there are people sitting at home saying: “I’ve tried aspirin, and ibuprofen, and everything my doctor prescribes, but nothing cures my pain.”  Well, this is it; this is the product right here.

Incredible Discoveries is a direct response marketing firm that promotes business ideas by partnering with entrepreneurs to ensure the success of their product. Incredible Discoveries has an impressive staff of marketing professionals who can expose a product via a variety of multimedia platforms, including online marketing and infomercial development. With a production facility roughly the size of a football field, Incredible Discoveries has a variety of sets and scenes to get the job done right. Incredible Discoveries has numerous industry partnerships, which can save their clients thousands of dollars over a traditional marketing firm.  As a division of O2 Media, Inc., Incredible Discoveries is backed by more than 20 years of professional marketing experience.