Important Information from Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD: Does Size Matter?


Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD is the nation’s leading erectile dysfunction and penile implant specialist. He is responsible for the development and actualization of the world’s first minimally invasive penile implant surgery, The Perito Approach. His practice, Perito Urology, has routinely seen over 500 implant patients per year since its inception over a decade ago. In addition to running his own office, Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD is also the Chairman of Urology at Coral Gables Hospital, where his procedures are performed.

Throughout history, penis size has been the subject of many jokes, including the catchy phrase, “Does size matter?” According to Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD, penile enhancement procedures have been performed since the 1971, with varying results. There are risks and benefits to the procedure, Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD says, but for many patients, the psychological benefits outweigh the risks.

“Normal” penis size is subjective, but Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD has seen patients struggling with concerns about having either insufficient length or girth. Whether these patients’ concerns are unfounded or not, Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD points out that the American Urological Association does not sanction procedures to lengthen penile size or expand penile girth. Because no studies have yet been able to prove the safety of these procedures, they are currently labeled ‘experimental,’ and patients should proceed with caution, Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD warns.

Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD points to a variety of factors that can affect penis size. Genetics play a large part in the formation of a man’s penis, Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD says. A condition called congenital micropenis can result in a member that is approximately 2 inches when erect but otherwise normally shaped. Radiation treatment for certain cancers can shorten penis size, Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD says, and treatment for Peyronie’s Disease can also cause a slight shortening.

Studies have also shown a connection between impotence and penis length, according to Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD. When patients are rendered impotent, as seen in radical prostatectomy, they can lose between .5 and 5 cm’s every 14 months in penile size. Studies have surmised that a loss of elasticity and infrequent stretching of the tissues that cover the erectile bodies as possible causes, Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD states.

What is a “normal” penis size? Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD often hears that question and points to a study in the Journal of Urology found that the average penis length was 5.1-5.9 inches with a diameter of 1.54 inches and circumference of 4.85 inches when fully erect. Over the years, penis size has become associated with masculinity, with some men feeling they are somehow inadequate if they don’t measure up to today’s definition of adequate penis size.

Penis lengthening surgery is often seen by the patient as the only alternative for men concerned about length and girth. But according to Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD, this surgery has associated numerous risks, one of which is actual shortening of the penis after surgery. This is thought to be caused by the penis attaching to the pubic bone and surgeons often minimize this risk by placing fat between the pubic bone and affected ligaments to prevent this.

Loss of sensation is another risk of penile lengthening procedures, according to Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD. The penis could also take on a downward angle due to insufficient support. Scarring is a risk, as well.

For men concerned about penis size, penile lengthening or girth enhancement may be a possible route of treatment. However, Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD warns patients of the risks and strongly encourages patients to research as thoroughly as possible before undergoing this procedure.

Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD may be contacted online by visiting

The information contained in this article is provided by Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD for educational purposes only. It is not intended to treat or diagnose any condition.

10 thoughts on “Important Information from Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD: Does Size Matter?”

  1. Hi Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD, I agree with your post. Who says size counts? It’s a matter of how you please her and make her want you. And like you said, if you go for Penis lengthening surgery, there are numerous risks! Thanks for this post Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD.

    1. @Anton It doesn’t matter, as long as she really loves you. “Important Information from Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD: Does Size Matter?” Thank you for your comment. -Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD

  2. Great topic Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD. For me size doesn’t matter. It’s all about pleasing your partner. Thanks for this post Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD.

    1. @Kurt I agree with you Kurt! Thanks for leaving a comment. “Important Information from Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD: Does Size Matter?” -Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD

  3. Hi Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD, I think it depends on the woman and what she prefers. Just like how some men prefers different body types on a woman. Good post by the way Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD. Looking forward for more of your posts, Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD.

    1. @Nelson Thanks for leaving a comment, I greatly appreciate you taking the time to do so! “Important Information from Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD: Does Size Matter?” -Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD

  4. I agree with you Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD. Size doesn’t matter! As long as you know how to use it. The most important thing is being in the moment. Great post Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD. Thank you for explaining this to us Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD.

    1. @Arthur – As long as it makes you and your partner happy, size doesn’t matter. “Important Information from Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD: Does Size Matter?” Thank you for your comment. -Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD

  5. Great post Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD! As a woman, I personally don’t care about size. As long as he’s there for me and willing to love me forever, I’ll be fine. But I’m sure that there are women who likes them bigger. Thanks Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD. Please continue to post interesting topics like this Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD.

    1. @Carla many thanks for leaving a comment and I’m glad to hear you enjoyed it! “Important Information from Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD: Does Size Matter?” -Dr. Paul Edward Perito MD

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