Trident University Environmental Health Students: Leaders of the Future

Environmental Health is powerfully represented in the College of Health Sciences at Trident University. Trident University is answering current needs and future prospective growth in the environmental science and health arena. Trident University has developed a BSHS and a Graduate Certificate with a concentration in Environmental Health Sciences. The professors at Trident University are highly accomplished professionals, with Environmental Health background and expertise.

Trident University professor, Dr. Frank Gomez has served as a nationally-recognized subject matter expert in food safety, community noise control, and health effects of housing, as well as for numerous national professional certification/licensure examinations for many years.

With a PhD in Environmental Health Science and Policy, Trident University professor, Dr. David Turbow has collaborated with the regulatory community and non-governmental agencies as a scientist and policy analyst to help facilitate their water pollution prevention planning efforts.

Trident University professor, Dr. Heidi Sato, who holds a PhD in Health Sciences from Trident University, has worked as an epidemiologist for Los Angeles County Environmental Health Division and the Acute Communicable Disease Control Unit, and has served as an expert witness for high-profile foodborne disease outbreaks.

Trident University professor, Dr. Rania Sabty-Daily, who holds a PhD in Environmental Health Sciences, has worked in the private sector and consulting and has researched environmental hazards and children’s health and has published work in occupational health and exposure assessment.

The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, as well as the homes we live in, and the places we work at – all aspects of our natural and manmade environment – have an impact on our health. Interactions between humans and the environment can give rise to a variety of diseases and health conditions, from asthma or cancer to breaking news, such as outbreaks of West Nile Virus, Bio-/agro-terrorism (intentional tainting of food), E-coli in bags of spinach or lead in children’s toys.

Environmental health is a unique field of study because of its science background and the diversity of subject matter areas covered that are required to be mastered by the practicing professionals in this field. Trident University students examine applicable laws and regulations and also gain a wealth of information on cutting edge technologies used to remediate pollution of air, water, and soil. Knowledge of areas such as food safety, water and wastewater protection and management, solid waste management, vector control, community and occupational noise control, epidemiology, housing, and radiation control are all subjects that environmental health specialists work with on a daily basis.

Trident University courses are developed to complement a student’s science-based background so that they may become a desired person for employment in this field. These courses provide the students at Trident University with knowledge and the skills that they will need as practitioners in the field. The environmental health programs at Trident University also offer students a broad, in-depth, and “hands-on” perspective on issues facing environmental health. Trident University’s courses offer students “virtual” hands-on experience in the world of the environmental health specialist.

For example, in Trident University’s, Food Protection Course, Trident University students are given the opportunity to conduct a virtual environmental health investigation of a restaurant. Students at Trident University learn how to assess validity of a foodborne illness complaint, conduct a virtual inspection at a restaurant, identify factors that may have contributed to the foodborne illness, and identify corrective actions for food code violations. Trident University’s, Vector Control Course, provides the student at Trident University the opportunity to learn about a variety of vector borne diseases and how to implement vector control programs.

In Trident University programs, Trident University students explore the human health impacts of environmental contamination, as well as preventative measures available to keep those problems from reoccurring and they apply critical thinking skills to address real world environmental health issues. For example, the type of public health action that is occurring in Haiti with respect to food, water, and resources came about as a multi-organizational emergency response to an unpreventable natural disaster. Many Trident University students are being deployed to aid in the relief efforts.

Graduates of Trident University’s environmental health programs will be well-versed and prepared to address the many important challenges ahead of them in their service to country and community. Trident University students will be prepared to become future leaders in tackling real world environmental health issues by enhancing strategic visioning and direction-setting skills through critical thinking and analysis.

Study Show Single Parents Cause for Falling Income of Male Population

Recently, a well-known labor economist has argued that the increasing number of single parents is largely to blame for diminishing earnings of male workers, contrary to those of female workers whose earnings have shown a growing trend in the recent past.

According to Professor David H. Autor, who teaches at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, childhood partly plays a role in the differences observed between men and women. Surprising data collected in 2010 found that 63 percent of children live with both parents, a significant drop, taking into account that it was 82 percent in 1970. Most children in single-parent households are being brought up by their mothers.

Economic troubles faced by the male population are seen as the cause-and-effect of diminishing two-parent households. Women typically are not as attracted to less successful men and often opt to raise their own children, producing sons who are likely to experience similar economic hardships and hence, be less attractive to their generation of women.

Professor Autor thinks that this may facilitate a vicious cycle that will define the gender gap in the next generation. Male numbers in the workplace have significantly dropped and this is a worrisome trend of national importance.

Women are now going to college in higher numbers than men and are therefore better positioned to deal with the demands and shortcomings of the current labor market—technology advancement, foreign competition, and declining unions.

Many economists believe that the male population has taken a beating from economic changes such as the declining manufacturing sector. However, keen analysis suggests that such reasons only account for small portion of the declining wage gap. Arguments have cropped up about the real causes of the situation, with some conservatives claiming that a female is more adaptable, and the male less industrious—views that are disputed by Professor Autor.

Citing the widening income inequality gap, Professor Autor points out that children raised in poor backgrounds are likely to end up as parents of poor children. Boys raised by their mothers are particularly disadvantaged with many having slim chances of attending college. Studies show that they spent less time with their mothers compared to girls.

While conservatives view the improvement of parental relationships as key to addressing the issue, liberals think that an improvement in economic opportunities will solve the problem.

David Slone Discusses a Fascination with Root Beer

About twelve years ago, David Slone received a package at work from one of his vendors. Curious, he opened it up. Inside, David Slone found samples of Henry Weinhard’s® Root Beer. David Slone was soon fascinated by the complex mix of sassafras, vanilla, licorice, yeast, and other flavors, all mingled in a cold, frothy drink. That was when David Slone began his fascination with root beer. From there, David Slone was on a mission; a mission to sample as many root beers as he could track down.

Since that time, David Slone has tried many a different brand of root beer, and has found out a great deal about the history of the drink. What David Slone found out was a bit of a surprise.

Root beer, discovered David Slone, goes back to colonial times, with what was referred to as “small beer.” Small beers, according to David Slone, sometimes included alcohol, and sometimes not. Things like sarsaparilla, birch beer, ginger beer and root beer were all small beers. David Slone notes that ingredients could include juniper, wintergreen, burdock root, dandelion root, coriander, allspice, molasses and other exotic elements.

Digging deeper, David Slone found that it was in the 1870s when Charles Hires made the first commercially-available root beer. Charles Hires was a Philadelphia pharmacist, David Slone discovered. While on his honeymoon, Hires ran across a recipe for herbal tea. Soon, the pharmacist began selling the tea in a dry form, and began working on a beverage based on the recipe. David Slone went on to find out that Hires’ drink used over 25 herbs, berries and roots, and was debuted to the public at the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial. David Slone says that another famous brand, A&W® Root Beer, dates back to 1919.

What is it that makes root beer so appealing to people like David Slone? It’s the combination of flavors and ingredients, David Slone states. No two root beer recipes are the same, and the drink has about as many different variations as there are root beer aficionados. In his current position at Weld County Garage, David Slone was delighted to receive a case of Goose Island® Root Beer from one of his regular vendors. David Slone found the combination of creamy consistency, carbonation and a spearmint finish to be tantalizing. Other root beers that David Slone counts among his favorites are Dog ‘n Suds®, Sprechers and Boylans®, each with its own unique personality.

David Slone isn’t by himself when it comes to his love for root beer. There are Root-Beer-of-the-Month Clubs that delve deep into root beer lore, exploring regional root beers from around the country. Members can even have a six-pack of the Root Beer of the Month shipped to their door. There are root beer kits, sampler packs of root beers, extracts and syrups, gift certificates, and even a private label of root beer that all go with membership in the club. Root beer is a uniquely American drink, notes David Slone, one that has roots that go back as far as the country itself.


Q&A with Casa Sandoval – Memory, Aging and Exercise

Everyone has forgotten what they came in a room for or where they put their car keys. For seniors, however, memory loss can be a special concern. The professionals at Casa Sandoval have done the research and found factors that can help a diminishing memory. Today, the staff at Interviewing Experts had the opportunity to ask Casa Sandoval a few questions about memory, aging, and exercise.

Q: What do you find can cause memory loss in seniors?

Casa Sandoval: We know that there are some chemical and physical changes that happen as the brain ages. At Casa Sandoval, though, we find that keeping the brain engaged and exercised can make a big difference.

Q: How so? “Exercised,” meaning what exactly?

Casa Sandoval: Things like crossword puzzles, books, music, engaging with friends and family, and critical thinking are all things that help keep the brain engaged.

Q: What about television?

Casa Sandoval: Actually, the staff at Casa Sandoval might advise against too many hours of TV. It’s passive and doesn’t demand that much engagement from the viewer.

Q: What about senior adults who are living independently at home?

Casa Sandoval: We recommend that older adults go through and reorganize their homes from time to time. Cutting clutter in living space can mean a lack of clutter in mental space as well.

Q: Does exercise have benefits for memory?

Casa Sandoval: Yes, absolutely. Exercise increases blood flow, meaning better oxygen supply to the entire body, including the brain. Casa Sandoval offers a yoga program for our residents, incorporating stretches and deep breathing that can help clear the mind and improve focus.

Q: Are there dietary connections?

Casa Sandoval: Yes, absolutely. At Casa Sandoval, we’ve read up on the latest studies that find connections between Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and brain health.

Q: Which foods are those found in?

Casa Sandoval: Omega-3’s and antioxidants are found in nuts, berries, leafy greens, and coldwater fish like salmon.

Q: I’ve also heard things about folate…

Casa Sandoval: Yes, folate is a great vitamin for mental growth. It’s found in foods like spinach, onions, and legumes.

Q: What else can senior adults do to keep their brains active?

Casa Sandoval: Self-testing can be quite helpful. Taking part in quizzes and games that actively test the brain are both great ideas for seniors.

Q: Do you offer activities that can help with memory?

Casa Sandoval: Yes, at Casa Sandoval we have game nights when residents can play cards, Scrabble, or other board games, all of which can help keep the brain active. Even the Wii video games can contribute to the maintenance of mental acuity.

Q: Any other advice?

Casa Sandoval: Yes, in addition to keeping the brain active, don’t forget to give the brain some rest, too. Quality sleep and rest time are crucial for keeping the brain functioning properly.

Casa Sandoval is a full service retirement community in Hayward, California. At Casa Sandoval, the emphasis is on active lifestyle and independent lifestyles. The staff at Casa Sandoval is well-respected for their attention and outstanding level of care for all residents. Feel free to call Casa Sandoval at 510-727-1700 or have a look online at In addition, prospective residents are welcome to tour Casa Sandoval and stay for lunch.

With Kimora Lee Simmons in Charge, JustFab Is at the Forefront of Style

JustFab was launched in 2010 to provide women with an online shopping site that combined trend-setting fashion, reasonable prices, and a highly personalized experience.  From early on, JustFab has been committed to helping women of every fashion sensibility look beautiful and exude confidence.  In 2011, JustFab landed Kimora Lee Simmons as President and Creative Director. In the following Q&A, JustFab introduces readers to Kimora Lee Simmons.

Q:  Who is Kimora Lee Simmons?

JustFab:  Kimora Lee Simmons was once a Midwestern girl who couldn’t have imagined where she is today.  She was discovered by a modeling agency when she was 10, swept off to model in Paris, and graced runway and pages of fashion magazines for years.  She has been in and around fashion almost her entire life.

Q:  What does Kimora Lee Simmons know about running an online fashion business like JustFab?

JustFab:  That’s the really remarkable thing about Kimora Lee Simmons – she is as savvy as she is gorgeous.  She has built her own fashion brands and companies that have done over one billion dollars in sales and she is bringing that same brilliance to JustFab.

Q:  So Kimora Lee Simmons already had quite the name for herself prior to joining JustFab?

JustFab: Absolutely!  Before JustFab, the personal and business life of Kimora Lee Simmons was chronicled on her first show on the Style Network, “Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane.”  Her business savvy and huge personality has always drawn people in to watch.  Q:  Tell readers about the new reality show featuring Kimora Lee Simmons and other JustFab staff.

JustFab:  “Kimora: House of Fab” gives a behind-the-scenes look at what goes on day-to-day at JustFab.  Viewers are exposed to the good, the bad and the ugly.  JustFab staff members are deeply committed and passionate about fashion and building the JustFab brand.  This combination of big personalities and the stressful nature of the job offer viewers some really entertaining television.

Q:  Is this show different from Kimora Lee Simmons’ last reality show?

JustFab:  Yes, “Kimora: House of Fab” focuses on JustFab as a company, and the team that works with Kimora Lee Simmons to keep the business running.  Viewers get to know most of the JustFab staff and get a look at real products JustFab is working on.

Q: How has Kimora Lee Simmons impacted JustFab so far?

JustFab:  Kimora Lee Simmons’ eye for what’s hot and how to make it appealing to shoppers is unmatched.  Her expert guidance has brought JustFab to a whole new level of providing the latest fashion to everyone–even those without celebrity bank accounts.  She has always been committed to designing and serving all women who want to look beautiful, not just those who are wealthy or a certain shape or size and that shines through in all the work she does for JustFab.

About JustFab: JustFab is an online subscription retail site, offering the hottest trends for less. Visit to learn more.

Let Your Garden Grow: The Benefits of Homegrown Food

Have you ever made a trip to the grocery store’s produce aisle only to think why can’t I grow some of this myself? Yes, produce tends to be expensive, and it can be frustrating to see a grocery bill go sky high when you want to treat yourself to some fresh fruits and vegetables. But, with a little land and a little hard work, all those delicious natural treats can be yours for a fraction of the cost and without ever leaving your own yard.

Having a home garden with fruits and vegetables is an incredibly rewarding experience. You get to witness the entire life cycle of the produce as well as play an integral part in bringing it to life year after year. There’s also the incredible benefit of knowing the fruits and vegetables are untainted by the industrial process that many foods must go through before they end up on store shelves. From chemical treatments to pesticides to unclean handling practices, you can rest assured knowing that you and you alone are responsible for the food you eat.

There’s also a tremendous cost-savings involved with growing fruits and vegetables. Instead of buying them by the pound, you merely buy packets of seeds at a fraction of the price. While the results aren’t immediate, the savings add up over time—in fact, having a garden can easily result in hundreds of dollars saved over the course of a year.

Gardens are also excellent opportunities for families and couples to bond. Many people are so busy that they rarely take time to truly enjoy nature, but getting together and working as a team on a sustainable project like a garden can really bring families together—especially for large gardens that require several pairs of hands to maintain.

The idea of planting a garden may seem daunting at first, but if you start small and work your way up, your thumb will turn green in no time. And the best part is that each year represents a new opportunity to grow something new, so you’ll never get tired of the fruits of your labor.

Scott T. Sohr Describes the Courtside at Southern Woods Development

Today, the staff at Zrylw talks to Scott T. Sohr of Elmington Capital Group. Scott T. Sohr is the Nashville, Tennessee-based developer behind the Courtside at Southern Woods in Brentwood. According to Scott T. Sohr, the development was recently named Neighborhood of the Week.

Zrylw: Scott T. Sohr, thanks so much for taking some time with us today.

Scott T. Sohr: Absolutely, I’m always happy to.

Zrylw: Tell us a little about Courtside at Southern Woods.

Scott T. Sohr: Well, our goal was to set up a neighborhood that’s close to Nashville and filled with great amenities, but still affordable for middle-class families.

Zrylw: What do prices at Courtside look like?

Scott T. Sohr: The homes range in size from 2,800 sq. ft. to 4,200 sq. ft., with prices from $350k to $550k at Courtside at Southern Woods.

Zrylw: Aren’t there also some great schools in the area?

Scott T. Sohr: Yes, some of the best nationwide. The neighborhood is zoned for Edmondson Elementary, Sunset Middle School and Brentwood High School, all of which have great rankings and performance.

Zrylw: Where is the development located? Is it convenient for commuters?

Scott T. Sohr: It’s really close to both I-65 and I-24, making it great for anyone who’s a commuter back and forth to Nashville

Zrylw: What kinds of amenities does Courtside have to offer?

Scott T. Sohr: Residents can enjoy things like a saltwater pool, pocket-size parks, and tennis courts. Additionally, a playground, clubhouse and community areas are all available at Courtside.

Zrylw: Is the development close to shopping?

Scott T. Sohr: Yes, the Cool Springs Galleria is just minutes away, as are the Concord Road YMCA and Brentwood Library.

Zrylw: Does Courtside at Southern Woods come with covenants?

Scott T. Sohr: Yes, there are covenants rules and regulations and a homeowners association at Courtside.

Zrylw: What’s the projected size for Courtside?

Scott T. Sohr: Upon completion, we expect to have 256 homes in Courtside at Southern Woods.

Zrylw: Is it laid out with cul-de-sacs, or in a grid?

Scott T. Sohr: Gently curving streets and cul-de-sacs. We are very pleased with the completed design.

Zrylw: What do you see down the road for Courtside at Southern Woods?

Scott T. Sohr: We want Courtside to be a warm, inviting, family-friendly place that marries up the convenience of easy distance to Nashville, with the small-town charm of rural Tennessee.

Scott T. Sohr is a veteran developer and entrepreneur in the greater Nashville area. Before he even graduated from Auburn University, Scott T. Sohr had formed his first business, selling specialized plastic compounds for industry. Today, Scott T. Sohr is a partner at a group specializing in investments and transactions in distressed properties. Their team specializes in industrial, commercial, residential, multi-family and land properties. He is also a co-founder of Correct Care Solutions and Health Cost Solutions, a third-party administrator for medical plans aimed at companies that are large enough to self-insure. Scott T. Sohr lives in the greater Nashville area with his wife Lyn and their four children.

Larry Starr, Sarasota Presents Cedars Tennis Resort

Larry Starr, Sarasota owner of the vacation property company, Resort Vacation Accommodations, reports that the company purchased Cedars Tennis Resort on Longboat Key in 2012. In this brief interview, Larry Starr talks about the property and what vacationers can expect when visiting Cedars Tennis Resort on Longboat Key.

Zrylw Blog: First of all, give our readers a little background on the Longboat Key area.

Larry Starr, Sarasota: Longboat Key is located in the southwest region of Florida. It is a quiet barrier island just off the coast of mainland Sarasota that offers a more upscale vacation experience.

Zrylw Blog: What are some of the main draws to the area for vacationers?

Larry Starr, Sarasota: Longboat Key and the surrounding area has some of the best championship golf courses in Florida and the 12-mile beach is immaculate. This area is typically free of spring breakers, so it is an ideal place for families, retirees, and people looking to get away from crowds.

Zrylw Blog: Please tell our readers about why you decided to purchase Cedars Tennis Resort.

Larry Starr, Sarasota: Resort Vacation Accomodations purchased Cedars Tennis Resort in 2012 as a way to expand our Sarasota area and Longboat Key vacation rental offerings and amenities to vacationers in the area.

Zrylw Blog: Can you describe the accommodations?

Larry Starr, Sarasota: Cedars Tennis Resort has a village feel to it, with many amenities onsite. There are 1, 2, and 3-bedroom townhouses, with fully equipped kitchens for every guest.

Zrylw Blog: What are some of the specific amenities Cedars Tennis Resort offers guests?

Larry Starr, Sarasota: There is private beach access, a heated junior Olympic size pool, and an onsite fitness center with group fitness classes and a personal trainer. Each unit is fully stocked with linens, so guests can leave their towels at home. There are also chaise lounge chairs for all guests, because, as everyone knows, Longboat Key and Sarasota beaches are for relaxing!

Zrylw Blog: Okay, this is a tennis resort – so we need to know all about your accommodations for tennis enthusiasts.

Larry Starr, Sarasota: Of course! The 10 Har-Tru tennis courts at Cedars Tennis resort are attractive to beginners all the way up to tennis pros. Players can get all the supplies they need at the resort’s Pro Shop.

Zrylw Blog: Cedars Tennis Resort sounds like a place nobody would want to leave; are there also dining options at the resort?

Larry Starr, Sarasota: Yes, when Resort Vacation Accommodations purchased the resort, it was important to include Cedars Café and Tiki Bar in the purchase, to offer guests onsite dining convenience. There are scores of other restaurants in the area that offer every type of cuisine imaginable.

Zrylw Blog: Beyond tennis, what other activities does Cedars Tennis Resort offer guests?

Larry Starr, Sarasota: Guests can fish at the Cedars pier overlooking Sarasota bay or explore the Key by bike or kayak, and then spend the afternoon at the tropical Island tiki bar.

Zrylw Blog: And if one does wonder off site?

Larry Starr, Sarasota: Well, the area is filled with an eclectic mix of attractions. Vacationers can visit Circus Sarasota, Longboat Key Center for the Arts, or do some shopping at St. Armand’s Circle or the Avenue of Flowers.

Larry Starr, Sarasota and Longboat Key vacation property owner, real estate developer and entrepreneur has over 25 years of experience in the vacation rental field. As a local resident, Larry Starr ’s Sarasota commitment extends beyond vacation properties and includes participation with the Sarasota Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Sarasota County Arts Council as well as active memberships in many local Chambers of Commerce.

Tips to Beat the Common Cold

It can be hard to avoid a run-in with the common cold or its nastier cousin, the flu, before winter’s out…especially if you work in a school, office or other closed-in environments that can be an incubator for germs. Even bolstering your immune system by taking your vitamins and supplements, eating right, getting enough sleep and generally staying in good shape, it can still sneak up on you before the winter’s out. So … once a cold comes to roost, here are a few ideas for getting it to pack its bags and get on down the road so you can get on with your life:

  • Get plenty of fluids – Yes, you’ve heard that before, but there’s a good reason for it. Your immune system triggers the production of more mucus, in an effort to flush the bad stuff out of your system. The more you can flood your system with warm liquids like herbal teas or soup broth, the more you can thin the mucus and get it out of there. Steam is especially helpful, in the form of a hot shower; even better, bring a pot of water to a boil, cover your head with a towel, and inhale as much steam as you can without burning yourself. A handful of antimicrobial, decongesting herbs in the boiling water can be an even bigger help (eucalyptus, thyme, peppermint, rosemary).
  • Vitamins and Minerals – The jury is still out on megadoses of Vitamin C, once the cold has already got a grip on you. Some studies seem to indicate that people who dose up on Vitamin C tend to shake the cold sooner…however, remember that the vitamin is more easily assimilated from C-rich foods like chile peppers, citrus fruit, strawberries or greens than from pills. Zinc is another supplement with mixed results…some patients have reported good results, despite the weird taste and occasional nausea from zinc lozenges.
  • Herbal Comfort – Echinacea has been shown to help lessen the severity of symptoms, especially if you begin taking it at the onset of the cold. A wise dosage is two droppers full of Echinacea tincture in a glass of water, every two hours. Others suggest a teaspoon of Echinacea tincture, three times a day. Andrographis, elderberry, licorice root and ginseng have also all been shown to bump up your immune system and help alleviate the worst of cold symptoms, as well as shortening the duration of the misery.

Peter Spittler Architectural Services Provides Program Management Services

Peter Spittler Architectural Services understands that construction and development projects are complex and require profound attention to detail and laser-sharp focus on timelines and resources.  In the following Q&A, Peter Spittler Architectural Services describes the essential role of the Project Manager.

Q:  Describe how the Project Manager fits within the overall design and build process.

Peter Spittler Architectural Services:  During a construction project, an architect assigned by Peter Spittler Architectural Services will work closely with the construction project manager in the office of the General Contractor, while at the same time coordinate the work of the design team and consultants, and manage communications with the client.  With this many balls in the air, it is essential that the Peter Spittler Architectural Services team has someone dedicated to ensuring the project is on-track as related to timelines, resources, and quality; this is where the Project Manager comes in.

Q:  It sounds like the Project Manager Position is a big responsibility.  What experience do Project Managers require?

Peter Spittler Architectural Services:  Yes, this position carries tremendous responsibility and requires the right skills and personality to ensure project success.  The Project Managers at Peter Spittler Architectural Services are experts in their field with extensive experience in architecture, engineering and construction.  They are licensed architects, with the know-how to oversee even the most complex projects.

Q:  Is the Project Manager only involved in the final implementation/build of a project?

Peter Spittler Architectural Services:  No, depending on the project, Project Managers can be involved in projects from initiation, all the way through design, construction, and occupancy.

Q:  Other than the architectural experience, what are some of the most important characteristics of a strong Project Manager?

Peter Spittler Architectural Services:  Project Managers must have exceptional communication skills.  They must be able to lead and direct the work of their colleagues at Peter Spittler Architectural Services, interact with high-level, fastidious clients, and relay project needs, challenges, and solutions in a thoughtful, thorough and timely manner.  In addition, a great project manager must possess uncommon attention to detail.  The flow, pace, and overall quality of each project is dependent on the Project Manager’s ability to track, schedule, and advise team members throughout the project’s duration.

Q:  Finally, what does a typical day look like for a Project Manager at Peter Spittler Architectural Services?

Peter Spittler Architectural Services:  Well, there really is no typical day at Peter Spittler Architectural Services!  The Project Manager oversees the day-to-day functioning of project teams and is the go-to person on any given project the team is working on.  They may be working with a team to coordinate a program committee, developing schedules for multiple projects, or advising team members on budget issues related to any given project.  For certain, Peter Spittler Architectural Services’ Project Managers love what they do and are never bored doing it!

Peter Spittler Architectural Services is located in the Cleveland, Ohio area.