All posts by AdminR

Spotify’s Influence on Music

To music lovers, Spotify is almost like a dream come true. Seemingly out of nowhere, the service took the U.S. by storm with its gargantuan music library, high quality streaming, album artwork, and reasonable price point ($9 per month). Users basically pay a small fee to have access to the world’s greatest iTunes account, but without the hassle of misspelled song titles, mislabeled song titles, or flat out missing song titles. While many people use Spotify simply to search for and listen to individual songs and albums, the program actually has many features that often go unnoticed.

Show lyrics

No more Googling random song lyrics and hoping to get a match. With Spotify’s app platform, users download a program called TuneWiki, which automatically looks up and displays the lyrics to songs he or she is listening to in real time.

Organize playlists

With its seemingly endless number of tunes available for instant streaming, creating playlists in Spotify can be a little intimidating. How can a person possibly select a list of songs they want to hear when all of the songs can be selected? With Spotify’s easy ability to simply drag and drop playlists, that process just got a whole lot easier.

See what you’re listening to

One of the perils of a service with just about every song available at the click of a mouse is that people paradoxically choose to listen to old familiar songs rather than branching out and discovering new music. Spotify tracks a listener’s favorite songs, albums and artists from the past several months or even years, so he or she will be able to tell when it’s time to move on and start broadening musical horizons.

Share … or not … on Facebook

For many people, sharing on Facebook is a great feature that makes the listening experience a social one. But for others, it’s on par with a constant barrage of baby pictures on their newsfeed. Thankfully, Spotify allows users to choose whether or not they want to share every song they play with their Facebook friends.

Share playlists

Like a friend’s taste in music? It is no longer necessary to wade through track after track of a band you may not necessarily like based on a single recommendation. Now, listeners can jump right into a friend’s playlist and hear the tunes they recommend.

Study Show Single Parents Cause for Falling Income of Male Population

Recently, a well-known labor economist has argued that the increasing number of single parents is largely to blame for diminishing earnings of male workers, contrary to those of female workers whose earnings have shown a growing trend in the recent past.

According to Professor David H. Autor, who teaches at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, childhood partly plays a role in the differences observed between men and women. Surprising data collected in 2010 found that 63 percent of children live with both parents, a significant drop, taking into account that it was 82 percent in 1970. Most children in single-parent households are being brought up by their mothers.

Economic troubles faced by the male population are seen as the cause-and-effect of diminishing two-parent households. Women typically are not as attracted to less successful men and often opt to raise their own children, producing sons who are likely to experience similar economic hardships and hence, be less attractive to their generation of women.

Professor Autor thinks that this may facilitate a vicious cycle that will define the gender gap in the next generation. Male numbers in the workplace have significantly dropped and this is a worrisome trend of national importance.

Women are now going to college in higher numbers than men and are therefore better positioned to deal with the demands and shortcomings of the current labor market—technology advancement, foreign competition, and declining unions.

Many economists believe that the male population has taken a beating from economic changes such as the declining manufacturing sector. However, keen analysis suggests that such reasons only account for small portion of the declining wage gap. Arguments have cropped up about the real causes of the situation, with some conservatives claiming that a female is more adaptable, and the male less industrious—views that are disputed by Professor Autor.

Citing the widening income inequality gap, Professor Autor points out that children raised in poor backgrounds are likely to end up as parents of poor children. Boys raised by their mothers are particularly disadvantaged with many having slim chances of attending college. Studies show that they spent less time with their mothers compared to girls.

While conservatives view the improvement of parental relationships as key to addressing the issue, liberals think that an improvement in economic opportunities will solve the problem.

Let Your Garden Grow: The Benefits of Homegrown Food

Have you ever made a trip to the grocery store’s produce aisle only to think why can’t I grow some of this myself? Yes, produce tends to be expensive, and it can be frustrating to see a grocery bill go sky high when you want to treat yourself to some fresh fruits and vegetables. But, with a little land and a little hard work, all those delicious natural treats can be yours for a fraction of the cost and without ever leaving your own yard.

Having a home garden with fruits and vegetables is an incredibly rewarding experience. You get to witness the entire life cycle of the produce as well as play an integral part in bringing it to life year after year. There’s also the incredible benefit of knowing the fruits and vegetables are untainted by the industrial process that many foods must go through before they end up on store shelves. From chemical treatments to pesticides to unclean handling practices, you can rest assured knowing that you and you alone are responsible for the food you eat.

There’s also a tremendous cost-savings involved with growing fruits and vegetables. Instead of buying them by the pound, you merely buy packets of seeds at a fraction of the price. While the results aren’t immediate, the savings add up over time—in fact, having a garden can easily result in hundreds of dollars saved over the course of a year.

Gardens are also excellent opportunities for families and couples to bond. Many people are so busy that they rarely take time to truly enjoy nature, but getting together and working as a team on a sustainable project like a garden can really bring families together—especially for large gardens that require several pairs of hands to maintain.

The idea of planting a garden may seem daunting at first, but if you start small and work your way up, your thumb will turn green in no time. And the best part is that each year represents a new opportunity to grow something new, so you’ll never get tired of the fruits of your labor.

Tips to Beat the Common Cold

It can be hard to avoid a run-in with the common cold or its nastier cousin, the flu, before winter’s out…especially if you work in a school, office or other closed-in environments that can be an incubator for germs. Even bolstering your immune system by taking your vitamins and supplements, eating right, getting enough sleep and generally staying in good shape, it can still sneak up on you before the winter’s out. So … once a cold comes to roost, here are a few ideas for getting it to pack its bags and get on down the road so you can get on with your life:

  • Get plenty of fluids – Yes, you’ve heard that before, but there’s a good reason for it. Your immune system triggers the production of more mucus, in an effort to flush the bad stuff out of your system. The more you can flood your system with warm liquids like herbal teas or soup broth, the more you can thin the mucus and get it out of there. Steam is especially helpful, in the form of a hot shower; even better, bring a pot of water to a boil, cover your head with a towel, and inhale as much steam as you can without burning yourself. A handful of antimicrobial, decongesting herbs in the boiling water can be an even bigger help (eucalyptus, thyme, peppermint, rosemary).
  • Vitamins and Minerals – The jury is still out on megadoses of Vitamin C, once the cold has already got a grip on you. Some studies seem to indicate that people who dose up on Vitamin C tend to shake the cold sooner…however, remember that the vitamin is more easily assimilated from C-rich foods like chile peppers, citrus fruit, strawberries or greens than from pills. Zinc is another supplement with mixed results…some patients have reported good results, despite the weird taste and occasional nausea from zinc lozenges.
  • Herbal Comfort – Echinacea has been shown to help lessen the severity of symptoms, especially if you begin taking it at the onset of the cold. A wise dosage is two droppers full of Echinacea tincture in a glass of water, every two hours. Others suggest a teaspoon of Echinacea tincture, three times a day. Andrographis, elderberry, licorice root and ginseng have also all been shown to bump up your immune system and help alleviate the worst of cold symptoms, as well as shortening the duration of the misery.

Changing Roles in Life: Becoming a Caregiver for Parents

Roles reverse; child becomes parent.  If you are about to join the ranks of the more than 65 million family caregivers in the U.S., you must understand the job is so much more than a profound act of kindness.  While there are myriad reasons people take on the role of caregiver, there are common considerations all caregivers face.  To help alleviate the strain of caregiving and make it a rewarding experience for you and the loved one in your care, start by taking time to develop plans to address the following major areas.

Financial Health

If you are currently working, caregiving may impact your ability to work and your future earning potential, should you need to cut back in hours.  You need to determine how this will affect your current situation as well as future financial health.  Consider consulting a financial professional to discuss options.  If you will be financially burdened by caregiving, you should look for options that may pay you for some of your caregiving time. You may also need to look at the finances of your loved-one to identify any gaps that may need to be addressed now or in the future.

Physical Health

Caring for an aging and/or ill loved-one can put a lot of strain on your body.  Likely, your sleep schedule will be disrupted, you will be eating irregularly, or you may be lifting or moving someone with mobility issues.  All of these factors combined can negatively affect your health and cause serious physical issues for you.  Figure out how you can keep healthy while caring for your loved-one by developing your own wellness plan.  In addition, talk with doctors and nurses about the medical needs of your loved-one and the proper procedures for delivering effective care to ensure you are providing the best care possible.

Mental Health

Caregiving can be quite stressful and offers a rollercoaster of emotions along the way.  You need to be aware that sadness, resentment, and anxiety are a normal part of your job, and should be addressed before they spiral out of control and possibly harm you or the person in your care.

Find out if there are respite programs in your area that will provide a break from caregiving duties so you can refuel and attend to your personal needs.  Reach out to family, friends, or community volunteers who could help alleviate some of your stress. Also, look for caregiver support groups at your local hospital, church, or senior center and reach out to others who are experiencing some of your same challenges.

Caregiving is a compassionate job, filled with rewards and strain.  As you embark on this journey, don’t forget to celebrate the fact that you are able to give your loved-one the proper care they deserve from someone they know and love.  You are providing your loved-one with dignified care and you would likely have it no other way.



What Politicians Often Face in the Aftermath of the Race

When running for public office, candidates usually acquire what is known as a “temporary celebrity status,” whether on a national or local scale. This means that in the time they are running for office, the public eye is centered on them. When voters are considering their choices, no matter if it is a presidential race or a state or local race; they want to be confidant in the candidate. Voters want to know that their candidate is not only capable of performing this important job well, and that he or she stands for the people they represent, but that he or she is a respectable human being as well. Scandals, affairs, and mistakes can derail a candidate’s campaign, and when they occur such missteps often call for serious public relations.

In political races, it is important to appropriate that at the end of the day it’s one big, glorified popularity contest. While many will vote for the candidate they believe would make the best public servant, studies show that most voters simply cast their ballot for the person they like the most. That is why good PR or reputation management is so important; because when a candidate is running for office, the expectation is that the public will view them as a good, solid, upstanding individual. If a candidate makes a mistake, a PR agency or reputation management service provider can step in and recraft the online image to point towards the good the candidate has accomplished. But they cannot protect a candidate or politician from everything. Certain actions can be massively detrimental to a person’s campaign or career that they can simply not bounce back from. We know these stories all too well.

Candidates want people to know that they’re the right person for the job and that they actually care about those that they are representing. Reputation management is vitally important to any politician; it can determine the outcome of their political career and can also sway the results of any sort of election.

Zrylw Offers Fitness Tips for the New Year

Losing weight is a resolution that millions of Americans make every year. The question is, how to keep motivated long enough for the endorphins of exercise to really become a habit? Zrylw has some ideas to help you meet your fitness goals for 2013.

One of the best ways to start losing weight is to limit alcohol and desserts to twice-a-week in January. Even the most conscientious people tend to overindulge in December, so it’s a good idea to cut back on the decadence during the beginning of the year. Eating “clean” will make a person feel good, which will make reaching fitness goals more doable.

Adding intervals to different workouts is a great tip for enhancing exercise benefits. Many studies have shown that pushing through the comfort zone of working out can elevate a person’s metabolism for up to a day and a half after exercise. That extra boost can help people avoid gaining weight even after December indulgence.

Taking a yoga or pilates class can help people to reduce stress levels. Research has shown that stress-related hormones can put weight on the waistline, so learning how to control stress can be a benefit, both mentally and physically.

Drink more water than you think you need because people often mistake being hungry for being dehydrated. And studies have shown that by the time a person realizes that they’re actually thirsty, they’re dehydrated. Regular water is great, but coconut water is good too because it gives the skin a lovely glow.

Even if a person can’t get to the gym, doing anything is better than doing nothing. Take the stairs two at a time and work the glutes. Or take turns standing on one leg and then the other. Balancing for even just 4 minutes a day can help people fight off injuries in the future. When people get older their natural sense of balance diminishes, which can lead to slips or falls. So, its never too early to work on balance for health protection. Plus, it’s a little silly looking – which can make a person laugh at themselves – and laughing burns calories too.

Zrylw Discusses the Optimism of New Year’s Resolutions

People who are striving to improve themselves – and who are using the impetus of a New Year’s resolution to start – shouldn’t feel alone. Nearly 50% percent of Americans make New Year’s resolutions. And of those, approximately 40-45% keep them.

That’s a lot of cigarettes not smoked, cream puffs passed up, and homes de-cluttered across the country. In fact, so many people make those goals at midnight, that the government has a website with resources for resolutions. The topics range from becoming healthier by drinking less alcohol, to helping the planet by learning how to recycle. There are also more ambitious resources on the site, like learning how to travel internationally.

Of course, New Year’s resolutions don’t need to be grandiose. In fact, some of the best plans involve small steps that will lead to lead greater confidence, which will hopefully lead to bigger and better plans in the future.

For instance, it’s difficult to make plans to travel internationally when one is constantly behind on credit card payments. But if credit card bills keep getting buried under junk mail, the clutter can overwhelm a person to the point of inaction, because clutter is simply delayed decision making. So something as small as learning to organize a desk and mail area can make a person feel more confident.

However, one of the most important things to concentrate upon is keeping obtainable goals. It’s not realistic to drop 20 pounds by the end of January (and if you do, it’s certainly not healthy.) No smoker is never not going to be tempted again, nor will a person with a sweet tooth walk by a bakery without a twinge of longing.

However, the fastest way to self-sabotage is to quit trying. One chocolate brownie isn’t the end of the world, the important thing is to do better tomorrow.

One of the reasons that New Year’s resolutions are so appealing, is that a brand new year creates a sense of optimism. The chance to make a goal and reach it is something that everyone aspires to. Amd the difference with making a goal on New Year’s Eve, is that there’s a shared sense of inspiration.

Embrace Spices for Health and Weight Loss

Spices are a great way to transform and flavor a dish without adding sodium or other processed ingredients. And because many contain capsaicin they can have a termogenic effect – which means that they can boost a person’s metabolism and help them lose weight.

One of the first spices that may surprise you is cinnamon. It’s not only good for sweet desserts and drinks – it’s also a hidden key ingredient in some Middle Eastern dishes as well as many curries. It has come to light that cinnamon has a beneficial effect on blood sugar, which can boost weight loss. Also, recent studies have found that cinnamon can help reduce high cholesterol. Cinnamon can also be found in Chinese 5-Spice powder and Jamaican jerk rubs, which makes it a delectable addition to many meals.

Black pepper is a spice that helps boost metabolism by 8 percent because of the piperine found in the pepper. Black pepper can also aid digestion, which makes it a valuable tool for weight loss and health. For best results, freshly grind the pepper as opposed to buying it pre-ground.

Cayenne is loaded with capsaicin, which helps to burn fat. It also helps with weight loss and nutrition because it has termogenic properties that help to burn calories. And its spiciness makes food with cayenne more difficult to eat quickly. This helps people realize when they’re actually full so they tend to eat less.

Another great spice is ginger. Its unique flavor makes everything around it shine and it also helps to settle an upset stomach. But, it also has another great benefit, which is burning calories. People can burn up to 43 extra calories after eating if they drink a cup of ginger tea.

So, remember to look to the spice drawer for overall good health and fat burning properties.

The Best Campfire Meals

When you’re enjoying the great outdoors, your favorite take-out isn’t exactly around the corner. It becomes more important than ever that you find a way to feed yourself and your loved ones. But you’re in the middle of nowhere without a stove or oven—and certainly no sign of a microwave—so the only real way to cook food is over a campfire.

There are several ways to prepare food using only a campfire as a heat source—skewer, aluminum foil, and paper sack. Below are some basic recipes for each.

Aluminum foil:

  • Wrap meal in heavy duty aluminum foil and cook over heat until done. Cooking time depends on the level of heat, as well as the type of meat used. Ingredients can include chicken, ribs, pork, potatoes, peppers, onions, and much more. Foil packet meals work better over hot coals or a small fire rather than a roaring blaze.

Paper sack:

  • Bacon and eggs are ideal for paper sack cooking. Place raw bacon in the bottom of the bag, crack an egg over the bacon, and fold the top of the bag down. Moisten the bag to keep it from burning and use a non-flammable stick like a wire hanger to hold the bag over the fire. Be sure you keep the bag far enough away to keep the flame from touching it but close enough that it gets the full force of the heat. Cooking takes about ten minutes.


  • This is one of the best-known campfire cooking methods and many say it’s the easiest. Marshmallows and hot dogs are the obvious choices, but sausages, potatoes, and zucchini are ideal for skewering, as well. You can even chop up pieces of poultry, pork, fish, lamb…and any other kind of meat to cook over the campfire.

Cooking around a campfire is not only a way to have great food while enjoying the great outdoors, it’s also a fun experience that can help bring everyone together. Once you’ve found your favorite way of campfire cooking, you can experiment with seasonings and new recipes to add variety to your experience.