Kosher Supervision of America (KSA Kosher) on the Definition of Kosher

KSA Kosher Kosher Supervision of America (KSA Kosher), which specializes in Kashrus certification, is a not-for-profit agency located in the western United States. KSA Kosher has received recognition by rabbinical associations all across the world. Here, KSA Kosher explains the basic rules of being kosher.

ZRYLW: Thank you for taking the time to discuss Kosher foods with us today.

KSA Kosher: Thank you for having me.

ZRYLW: What does the term “kosher” mean?

KSA Kosher: “Kosher” typically refers to things that are “proper” or “fit.”

ZRYLW: In what ways is the term “kosher” used?

KSA Kosher: In most cases, the term “kosher” is utilized as a description of foods permitted to be eaten by those who are in observance of Jewish dietary law.

ZRYLW: What kinds of foods are considered non-kosher?

KSA Kosher: Food is considered non-kosher for a number of different reasons.

ZRYLW: Such as?

KSA Kosher: Reasons include the animal species, improper processing or slaughtering procedures and the usage of ingredients.

ZRYLW: Is eating meat allowed?

KSA Kosher: Some meats are kosher, but meat and dairy cannot be mixed.

ZRYLW: What about food preparation?

KSA Kosher: Food must be prepared with non-kosher equipment or utensils.

ZRYLW: I’ve heard the term “kashrus,” too. What does “kashrus” mean?

KSA Kosher: “Kashrus” is a term used to define the concept of these dairy laws. It pertains to the kinds of foods that are permitted for both consumption, as well as their preparation.

ZRYLW: Are rules standard across the board?

KSA Kosher: Each food category is subject to a certain set of laws.

ZRYLW: What meats are labeled as kosher?

KSA Kosher: The Torah regards kosher animals as ones who have split hooves and chew their own cud.

ZRYLW: And these are?

KSA Kosher: Veal, lamb and beef are kosher meats.

ZRYLW: Not pork?

KSA Kosher: Pork is not.Wild game is also not certified kosher.

ZRYLW: What seafood is not allowed?

KSA Kosher: Squid, shellfish and mollusks are not kosher. Eel isn’t either.

ZRYLW: How do food preparers learn to keep foods kosher?

KSA Kosher: Butchers require special training so that they are aware of which cuts of meat can be certified kosher and how to prepare them.

ZRYLW: How popular is being kosher?

KSA Kosher: Over 7 million Americans designate themselves as kosher.

ZRYLW: That’s quite a number.

KSA Kosher: Definitely. In fact, kosher products account for $150 billion in food sales each year.

To learn more about KSA Kosher, visit the company online at

Helping Advice for the Aspiring Actor

Q: What is an essential tip for acting success?

A: Stay on time. Films and television shows cost quite a lot of money to produce. If an actor is just a few minutes late for a paid gig, the director, producer and the entire crew will be extremely disappointed and could question their choice of actor. If an actor shows up after a scheduled audition time, the casting director will be concerned about an ongoing issue of tardiness.

On that note, show business runs on irregular hours and extended workdays. Without the endurance and positive energy necessary to withstand a long day on the set, an actor will find success impossible to attain.

Q: What kind of schedule can be expected?

A: For an actor in the television or movie business, a 9-to-5 schedule is just not feasible given the nature of the work. Most actors must rise before dawn to ensure they are fully prepared for the day and can arrive at the set on time. In theatre, the call time might be 10 a.m. because the actors work well into the night. The long, intense hours required mean that actors will spend roughly half their lives with co-workers.

Be cordial and respectful to all people involved with the production to maintain harmony on the set. Establishing a negative attitude in the beginning stages of a job will have a noted impact on the rest of the staff.

Q: How else can actors improve their routines?

A: Always be clean and well groomed. It should go without saying, but bathe regularly and have fresh breath. Anyone with poor hygiene will earn a bad reputation and miss out on future acting opportunities. Complaining regularly is also a sure way to cause tension on the set. Some actors in show business choose to complain about the realities of the job – the food, the director, fellow actors, costume assistants, dressing rooms, lack of work, long hours, the script and almost anything else. Being labeled a complainer can damage the career of even the most talented actor. Word does get around.



Mallory Fleming Praises Monterosso, Italy for Its Stunning Scenery

Mallory Fleming recently visited Monterosso, a popular tourist location on the coast of Italy. After soaking up the wonderful atmosphere, Mallory Fleming suggests helpful tips for those who want to experience the beauty and serenity of Monterosso for themselves.

Q: Why is Monterosso such a wonderful destination?

Mallory Fleming: Monterosso is the best place for people who desire rest and relaxation with a dash of adventure. After arrival, a seaside boardwalk leads to a beautiful white sandy beach.

Q: What activities do you recommend?

Mallory Fleming: A boat tour of the Cinque Terre, a rugged section of coast along the Italian Riviera, helps visitors appreciate the five fishing villages in the area.

Q: What else is prominent about the Cirque Terre?

Mallory Fleming: The Cinque Terre is also a treasured spot for hikers and outdoors enthusiasts.

Q: What advice do you have for first-time visitors of Monterosso?

Mallory Fleming: The best way to travel to Monterosso is via local train from Genoa or La Spezia, or by taking an Intercity train originating from Turin, Tuscany, Milan or Rome. The expansive train network also reaches other villages along the Cinque Terre.

Q: Why trains instead of cars?

Mallory Fleming: Parking is expensive in Monterosso, so motor transportation is not recommended. Driving through public areas is often prohibited.

Q: What about Italian dining?

Mallory Fleming:  Needless to say, Italian food is a real treasure. The gelato in particular is a must.

Q: What’s different from American meals?

Mallory Fleming: At lunchtime, the Italians do not rush back to their routines. Diners are encouraged to bask in the local music and culture.

Q: What should visitors do after lunch?

Mallory Fleming: For some afternoon fun, a leisurely stroll through the village streets reveals a series of attractive houses with offbeat colors and distinct shapes.

Eat Healthy to Prevent Cancer and Disease, Says Kelley Hamilton of Bonaventure

Kelley Hamilton Bonaventure

Kelley Hamilton of Bonaventure Senior Living knows a thing or two about seniors. Kelley Hamilton of Bonaventure believes that seniors who want to feel better and live healthier should pay attention to what’s in their kitchen. As chief executive officer, Kelley Hamilton of Bonaventure Senior Living makes sure the company’s chefs prepare a variety of healthy meal options.

According to Kelley Hamilton of Bonaventure, about a third of all cancers could be prevented by maintaining a healthy weight through nutritious diet and regular

exercise, researchers have found. Emerging science also states what combination of foods appears to offer the most protection against cancer, says Kelley Hamilton of Bonaventure. Below, Kelley Hamilton of Bonaventure talks about the health benefits fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

ZRYLW:  We’re glad you could join us today, Kelley. Thank you for coming.

Kelley Hamilton, Bonaventure CEO: It’s my pleasure.

ZRYLW:  Healthy and delicious food is often listed as a reason people make their homes at Bonaventure Senior Living. Is it really that good?

Kelley Hamilton, Bonaventure CEO: Our food is exceptional. Our chefs prepare nutritious and delicious dishes every day. They only use the finest and freshest ingredients to keep our seniors healthy and strong.

ZRYLW:  Research shows that certain foods can help prevent diseases and some even offer protection against cancer. Does your menu reflect these studies?

Kelley Hamilton, Bonaventure CEO: Absolutely. Our menus consist of natural foods that offer functional benefits, and certain ingredients rise to the top of our menu.

ZRYLW:  Can you name some of the ingredients?

Kelley Hamilton, Bonaventure CEO: Salmon, for example, is a great source of healthy protein and fats. Our chefs prepare fabulous salmon.

ZRYLW:  Are vegetables and grains served with most meals?

Kelley Hamilton, Bonaventure CEO: Yes, we serve a lot of broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Swiss chard, Brussels sprouts and kale. They are known to release enzymes into the body, which break down chemicals that cause cancer and may slow tumor growth. Tomatoes are great, too. They contain an antioxidant that helps prevent breast, bladder, cervical, lung, colorectal, prostate and skin cancer. Whole wheat pasta and brown rice are filling and healthy.

ZRYLW:  What are some good cancer fighting fruits?

Kelley Hamilton, Bonaventure CEO: Blueberries, cherries, plums, red and purple grapes contain anthocyanins and antioxidants that help neutralize cancer-causing substances and may prevent stomach cancer. Our seniors like to add them to cereal, yogurt or pudding.

ZRYLW:  So anything with natural bright color is a good choice?

Kelley Hamilton, Bonaventure CEO: The easiest way to eat healthy is to think colors. The more colors on your plate, the more nutrients in your body.

ZRYLW:  What do seniors at Bonaventure eat for breakfast?

Kelley Hamilton, Bonaventure CEO: Whole grains are healthy, so we encourage our residents to start their day with at least two servings of whole grains, such as a full bowl of oatmeal, bran cereal, or two slices of whole wheat toast.

ZRYLW:  Any healthy drinks you can recommend?

Kelley Hamilton, Bonaventure CEO: Green tea is wonderful because it contains antioxidants that can help protect against colon, skin and stomach cancer. Iced or hot tea is a healthy addition to any menu.


Kelley Hamilton, Bonaventure CEO, manages an assisted living community where seniors live life on their own terms. Kelley Hamilton of Bonaventure joined the company in 2001. Kelley Hamilton of Bonaventure oversees the company’s 4,500 units across the country. Kelley Hamilton of Bonaventure lives in Oregon.

Pam Gray, Bonaventure Senior Living COO, on Genetic Testing

PamGrayBonaventureSeniorLivingGenetic Testing

Pam Gray, Bonaventure Senior Living COO, has noticed a distinct shift in how individuals go about tracing their family histories. For seniors interested in understanding their own unique legacies, Pam Gray, Bonaventure Senior Living COO, presents the important elements of genetic testing.

ZRYLW: How has genetic testing changed in the last decade?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure Senior Living COO: In the early stages of genetic DNA testing, individuals were forced to build their own studies. This is still a viable option, though more tools are now available.

ZRYLW: Is there a better way to go about it?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure Senior Living COO: Joining an existing project is more beneficial these days. Newcomers can be inundated with information, and this allows the first-time user to have assistance in their search.

ZRYLW: How does an existing process ease stress?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure Senior Living COO: By taking part in a project that’s already started, seniors have the ability to focus on names that appear throughout their family trees.

ZRYLW: Where does one begin?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure Senior Living COO: Several options exist, but most of those involve the Internet. If a computer is not available at home, the local library will offer Internet services to visitors.

ZRYLW: What is a common website for these purposes?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure Senior Living COO: There are several options available online; one of these can be found at

ZRYLW: What are some other alternatives?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure Senior Living COO: Public access databases are often searchable by surname and offer contact information for submitters. These databases include and

ZRYLW: Can an individual just use Google?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure Senior Living COO: Many surname projects own websites, so a “surname DNA” query on the chosen search engine will display the desired result within the first few listings.

ZRYLW: What information is required to begin?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure Senior Living COO: Information about the earliest known ancestor and the individual’s connection to this person through generations is necessary. Additional relations will increase the likelihood of success.

ZRYLW: Is genetic testing convenient?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure Senior Living COO: Most websites feature a link for ordering a genetic testing kit right from the testing company. The administration will automatically be notified of the individual’s participation.

ZRYLW: What stipulations are in place?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure Senior Living COO: The individual must sign a consent form to release the testing company of any responsibility.

ZRYLW: How is one notified of a match?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure Senior Living COO: Immediately after a match has been found, administration posts information directly on their websites for perusal by participants.

ZRYLW: What are the odds of a match?

Pam Gray, Bonaventure Senior Living COO: Results vary depending on the individual, but participants in genetic testing can discover nieces, nephews, cousins and other close relatives.


Pam Gray, Bonaventure Senior Living COO, started in her position in 2007. She has more than 20 years of experience working in the field of retirement living.

YORHealth Testimonial: Pablo Salas, Merida, Yu Mexico

YORHealth is a nutrition and wellness company founded in 2008. YORHealth offers a variety of health products, including meal replacement shakes and nutritional supplements. Customers from all over the world enjoy premium-quality YORHealth products that are uniquely formulated to support the body’s maximum nutrition absorption to build and repair organs, tissues, and cells. In order to ensure product quality and safety, YORHealth uses the highest standards of scientific integrity.

The YORHealth Weight Management Product Line consists of satisfying shake packs full of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants, as well as YOR CompleteBurn™, which is designed to support different individual’s weight-loss needs. Overwhelming clinical evidence demonstrates that a diet rich in antioxidants promotes healthier lives.  YOR SuperGreens consists of nutrients and antioxidants with the equivalent anti-oxidant power of approximately 24 servings of fruits and vegetables in every serving.

YORHealth products are designed to spread health and happiness. YORHealth also promotes fitness and physical activities for all ages. People across the globe have felt and seen the results of YORHealth quality products. Loyal YORHealth customers have increased their energy levels, gained muscle, lost weight, and improved their overall well-being.

YORHealth helped Pablo Salas reach his goals. Here, he shares his success story.

My dad is a doctor, my mom is a housewife and I have a sister 3 years older than me. When I was a kid my father was not doing well financially, he had just started working in his profession and we lived with many limitations.

When he began to earn more money, he and my mom wanted to give us a better education so they decided to move us from a public school to a private one. This left a lasting mark upon me. I didn’t feel I belonged to that new group of students, my schoolmates had nicer clothes, more expensive and cool shoes, and mine were ugly and old. I felt completely inadequate.

There was a time when a teacher did a group dynamics exercise, she wanted us to think we were on the other person’s side, it was about taking off our shoes and leaving them in the center of the room and taking someone else’s shoes. When I realized that someone else was going to wear my shoes, I was very ashamed. I didn’t want them to notice the holes in my socks, so when we finally had to use someone else shoes, I ran and grabbed mine back. A schoolmate gave me away to the teacher; she got furious and scolded me in front of everybody. I felt exposed when she yelled at me, “Get out!” Pointing with her index finger toward the exit with her arm extended. I walked away crying and feeling frustrated and angry.

I didn’t want to go back to that school anymore. I endured the discrimination and denigration from the students for a whole year. They called me low-class, weird and poor. They all agreed to stop talking to me. The ones with better manners just ignored me, but the rude ones called me names, threw things at me, or pushed me and made me stumble. I was ashamed to be seen alone in the play yard. I watched from a distance how other students had friends, how they laughed, or how they teamed up to play basketball. I felt very sad and depressed. I would have given anything to have a true friend at that moment.

Years later, a co-worker gave me an invitation and introduced me to YORHealth. At YORHealth I found a group of people, who wanted to help me, they wanted me to succeed. My friends at YORHealth didn’t care about my past, they told me, “You can do it”, and they believed more in me than myself. They encouraged me.

I found a true friend in YORHealth founder Dennis Wong who is willing to sacrifice his life in order to change the world. My life has already changed because thanks to YORHealth I have my own business and I have achieved financial success. I’ve paid my debts and I own my time! I can spend time with my family. I have a new car and I can travel around the world. I can even take pictures at the Great Wall of China. I found true inner peace and I can be an example of values for which my parents are proud of.

Today YORHealth has helped me feel happy and fulfilled because I’ve been able to help bring out the best of many people. I firmly believe that YORHealth is going to change the world. Do you know why? Because YORHealth has already changed my world and it can also change yours!

Find out more about YORHealth by going online to

Wesley Upchurch Talks about the History of Arcades

Wesley Upchurch is a Certified Internet Web Professional and CIW Professional Designer. He is also the Columbia, Missouri-based visionary behind entertainment venues The Virtual Arena and Gunther’s Games. Recently, Upchurch chatted with the staff of ZRYLW about the history of gaming arcades.

ZRYLW: What got you started learning about arcades?

Wesley Upchurch: Well, I was seriously thinking about going into this business, and knew it would be worth my time to learn some more.

ZRYLW: How far back do arcades go?

Wesley Upchurch: Really, about as far back as carnival midways or boardwalks. As far back as you can think.

ZRYLW: What were some early arcade games?

Wesley Upchurch: Most of them were mechanical games—stuff like shooting galleries, pinball machines, mechanical fortune tellers, things like that.

ZRYLW: In what kinds of places would you typically find arcade games?

Wesley Upchurch: Really, about any place where people have time to kill—laundromats, bowling alleys, supermarkets, bars, truck stops, etc.

ZRYLW: So the games weren’t strictly for kids then?

Wesley Upchurch: No, not at all. It was recreation and fun for anyone, all ages.

ZRYLW: When did a new generation of interactive games start?

Wesley Upchurch: By the 60s, electromechanical games were starting—things like car-race games, flying simulators, gun games—all with projected film for backdrops.

ZRYLW: Were they well-received?

Wesley Upchurch: Yes, they were fun, but pretty limited. They also required a lot of maintenance. Not that many of them left anymore.

ZRYLW: What was the next advance?

Wesley Upchurch: Well, the earliest, really primitive video games came along in the early 70s.

ZRYLW: What were some of those games?

Wesley Upchurch: Computer Space and Galaxy were a couple of early ones, and Pong came along not too much later.

ZRYLW: And so things were off and running with video games…

Wesley Upchurch: Yes, they were. The whole industry of arcade video games really came into its own by the late 70s.

ZRYLW: What were some of those early games?

Wesley Upchurch: That second generation of video games included titles like Galaxian, Space Invaders, Frogger, Pac-Man—that sort of thing.

ZRYLW: Was that when places like Dave and Busters started, too?

Wesley Upchurch: Yes, places like that or Chuck E. Cheese.

ZRYLW: Those are great venues.

Wesley Upchurch: Yes, the idea is to combine restaurants with arcades. “Fun for the whole family,” as they used to say.

ZRYLW: What happened in the 80s?

Wesley Upchurch: Really, by the late 80s, we saw the market begin to drop off.

ZRYLW: Why was that?

Wesley Upchurch: More home game consoles were coming on the market, and it ate into the arcade video games.

ZRYLW: What do you see as the niche for them now?

Wesley Upchurch: I think there will always be a niche for video arcades. They’re just fun places to be, and have a whole social/community aspect to them that isn’t a part of playing video games at home.

Federal Reserve Chairman Examines Economic Recovery

The leader of America’s central bank is hesitant to proclaim an end to economic trouble after examining recent trends. At the Federal Reserve’s Chicago branch recently, Chairman Ben Bernanke stated that current market conditions continue to be precarious even as many financial experts have declared a full recovery.

Bernanke made his remarks during a lengthy speech that described the Fed’s role in observing the successes and failures of the banking system. The speech was a focal point of the 49th Annual Conference on Bank Structure and Competition, which brings together experts in technical, financial and academic research.

As a central thesis of his speech, Bernanke noted that participants in the financial market have been taking considerable risks in recent months. The extended run of economic stability in America reduced their desire to use reasonable provisions.

Securities lending endures as a major problem. Borrowers have proven unable to finance asset holdings and subsequently were forced to sell. This occurrence drove asset prices down even further, leading to extreme asset liquidation.

Money market funds are also susceptible to the unstable environment. Bernanke believes that risk is amplified because the Treasury has been stripped of its power to secure investors’ holdings in money market funds, which proved critical in halting the disastrous 2008 run.

To introduce the subject of income inequality, Bernanke said that wealthier households have made great gains in net worth, while lower- or middle-income households have declined in capital since the financial crisis. This reality is most apparent in the area of real estate. A number of homeowners are still “underwater,” with homes valued at much less than their mortgage balances. According to Bernanke, this fact alone indicates that the country’s financial well-being is more fragile than statistics might show. As a side note, he recommended that additional regulation should be installed in the repossession market—the wholesale market that financial institutions use for their daily funding requirements.

Bernanke stated that more preparation is required for both investors and market participants so that they can deal with any potential consequences. Leading research for this is the Office of Financial Stability Policy and Research, which educates both the central bank and the Federal Open Market Committee on policy decisions.

In closing remarks, Bernanke assured attendees that the Fed continues to identify threats in order to thwart future emergencies, and carefully monitor the activity of the nation’s financial institutions.

Margaret Suanne Bone Shares Her Love of Cooking

Margaret Suanne Bone first grew to love cooking while she was attending law school. Encouraged by her friend and fellow law school student Allison, she gradually got hooked on the hobby in her spare time. It’s been an enjoyable activity ever since, says Margaret Suanne Bone. In Allison’s words, if one can read, one can cook.

Margaret Suanne Bone began by grilling meats such as pork, chicken and beef, as well as fresh vegetables. Her best advice for beginners is to first rely on recipes that contain simple instructions. Newbies should choose recipes without a long list of ingredients, to keep the process easy and the grocery bill down. Starting with traditional cookbooks and sticking with well-known foods will also boost a new cook’s chances of success. In the early stages, meals can focus on typical staples of an American diet such as beans, pasta, eggs and lean meats. Rice and stir-fry dishes, which feature whole grains and vegetables, have become increasingly popular as well.

Margaret Suanne Bone was fortunate to have a family that enjoyed cooking a variety of different cuisines. To further influence her culinary pursuits, her mother gave her a treasure trove of dessert and casserole recipes. Margaret Suanne Bone gushes that both of her grandmothers were excellent cooks. Her paternal grandmother, Margaret Bone, had a reputation for creating delicious desserts with chocolate, most notably her Presbyterian sheet cakes. Margaret Suanne Bone also notes that her maternal grandmother, Susie Bond, had a special knack for tasty sweets. Another treat at Sunday dinners was creamed corn.

After learning the basic steps of cooking, Margaret Suanne Bone continues the tradition while experimenting with many tastes and textures. Some invaluable lessons have prevented her from a major kitchen catastrophe. When adding herbs and spices, she errs on the side of caution. When adjusting a recipe, she makes minor changes instead of completely straying from the instructions. Most importantly for Margaret Suanne Bone, her kitchen is a place for both fun and imagination. Inexperienced cooks should not stress out about mistakes.

Margaret Suanne Bone believes that cooking should be high on quality and flavor with as many healthy ingredients as possible. A homemade garden is a terrific way to grow food that contains none of the pesticides found in supermarket items. This summer Margaret Suanne Bone and her friend Melanie have decided to can okra grown in Melanie’s garden.

The 5 Wedges Every Girl Needs

Wedges are quickly becoming one of’s star styles and for good reason; they’re flattering and elongate the leg while adding height. Plus, they’re comfortable and easy on the feet. The team at has sourced styles in an array of platform heights, materials, colors and more, and with so many options, is able to offer a wedge for every look.’s multitude of styles may make it hard to narrow things down, so the fashion experts at have identified their five top picks.

The Shanghai goes seamlessly from day to night. This wedge is sky high, giving the impression of long, lean legs. Its strappy lace-up silhouette features on-trend tassel accents, and shoppers can choose from classic black or soft nude. Pair with silk genie pants for a day at the office or a flowing maxi skirt for weekend brunch with the girls.

Keena is a casual, sporty sneaker wedge from that gets you where you need to go in style. With three color choices including black, navy and multi-tone, there’s an option to match all of your weekend wear. Just Velcro the straps and hit the park to walk the dog or conquer your errands while staying in fashion, thanks to

Thebes is’s take on two styles in one. This cut-out, lace-up sandal features a demi-wedge and combines the comfy, easy-to-wear style of a flat with the lengthening look of a wedge. offers your choice of black or brown; simply slip on with a pair of cutoffs for a summer music festival or wear them with a mini dress to dance the night away. re-interprets the espadrille with Los Feliz. Made from cut-out canvas with an exotic black and white ikat pattern,’s take on urban chic will have you strolling the city streets in style. Pair with a full length black dress for a cocktail party or skinny jeans and a tank for an afternoon at the flea market.

With Doheny, has wrapped three of the season’s hottest trends into one fashionable wedge sandal. This shoe combines leopard-print detailing, an ankle strap and minimal design for the freshest in summer footwear. Available in orange and mint, the team at knows that a pop of color is just what the season ordered.

These styles are perfect for updating your summer shoe wardrobe, but don’t forget about the rest of your look. also offers accessories and clothing, releasing a new selection to members every month.